Practise voting
Want to vote in the comfort of your own home? Unfortunately that’s not directly possible, but we’ve developed this sample ballot tool to help you make an informed decision.
How it works
- You can go through each position using the list on the right-hand side of the screen (you can choose as many or as few as you like)
- For each candidate, we’ve collected their official candidate statement, as well as other information about them
- At the end, click the “Prepare my printable cheatsheet” button to generate a handy summary that you can take into the polling place
- Go and vote!
- Parkville Station does not endorse any particular candidate or ticket.
- Privacy notice » When you press “Prepare my printable cheatsheet (PDF)”, we record your preferences for statistical purposes — the only user-identifiable data recorded with those preferences is a timestamp. This page, like other pages on this website, also uses Google Analytics.
- Feedback? Please email 🙂 (This is also the right place to report any mistakes in ballot order, or request changes.)
Practice voting tool
You’ll receive a pack of ballot papers, with all the positions you can vote for. These are listed in the list on the left hand side of the screen. Click through them all (or whichever ones you’re interested in) and make your selections.