Parkville Station

Practise voting

Want to vote in the comfort of your own home? Unfortunately that’s not directly possible, but we’ve developed this sample ballot tool to help you make an informed decision.

How it works

  1. You can go through each position using the list on the right-hand side of the screen (you can choose as many or as few as you like)
  2. For each candidate, we’ve collected their official candidate statement, as well as other information about them
  3. At the end, click the “Prepare my printable cheatsheet” button to generate a handy summary that you can take into the polling place
  4. Go and vote!


  1. Parkville Station does not endorse any particular candidate or ticket.
  2. Privacy notice »
  3. Feedback? Please email 🙂 (This is also the right place to report any mistakes in ballot order, or request changes.)

Practice voting tool

You’ll receive a pack of ballot papers, with all the positions you can vote for. These are listed in the list on the left hand side of the screen. Click through them all (or whichever ones you’re interested in) and make your selections.

When you’re done:


Candidates on offer:

  • Adriana Mells (Stand Up!)
  • Lee Ellison (Whigs)
  • Yan Zhuang (More!)
  • Michael Sabljak (Liberal)
  • Andrew O’Shea (Create)
  • Arun Bharatula

General Secretary

Candidates on offer:

  • Yasmine Luu (More!)
  • Michael Sabljak (Liberal)
  • Michael Kerrison (Whigs)
  • Nikhil Sachdev (Create)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Sarah Xia (Stand Up!)
  • Jeremy Gibson (Left Focus)

Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

Candidates on offer:

  • Brendan Tam (Whigs)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Jade Eckhaus and Lia Vassiliadis (Left Focus)
  • Amelia Saward and Millie Austin-Andrews (Stand Up!)
  • Nathan Bachetti (Liberal)
  • Stylianos Nikias (Create)
  • Caley McPherson and Roger Samuel (More!)

Education Officer (Public Affairs)

Candidates on offer:

  • Virginia Holdenson (Create)
  • Anneke Demanuele and Dominic Cernaz (Stand Up!)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Daniel Lopez and Sinead Manning (More!)
  • Michael Sabljak (Liberal)
  • Samuel James Perkins (Whigs)

Welfare Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Monica Leng and Nick Reich (Left Focus)
  • Claudia Lombard and Xu Zhang (John) (Stand Up!)
  • Nathan Bachetti (Liberal)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Sofie Onorato (Whigs)
  • Ryan Davey and Teresa Gornall (More!)

Women’s Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Mairie Sullivan (Left Focus)
  • Frances Gamble and Grace Middleton (Whigs)
  • Aisling Acton and Sonia Lim (Stand Up!)
  • Anjana Abeyratne and Hannah Billett (More!)
  • Alexandra Murrell (Create)

Creative Arts Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Harriet Wallace-Mead and Sara Pascoe (Activate)
  • Corey Mathrick (Create)
  • Jade Rae

Activities Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Arun Bharatula
  • Jacinta Cooper and Lydia Paevere (More!)

Queer Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Audrey Whybrow (Left Focus)
  • Yi Ding
  • Blake Atmaja and Evelyn Lesh (Activate)

Environment Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Nathan Bachetti (Liberal)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Levi West (Create)
  • Eli Winters (Whigs)
  • Jade Rae
  • Simon Aplin (Left Focus)
  • Elizabeth Nicholson and Kate Denver-Stevenson (Activate)

Clubs & Societies Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Gulsara Kaplun and Kayley Cuzzubbo (More!)
  • Arun Bharatula

Disabilities Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Eli Winters (Whigs)
  • Alston Chu and Cassandra Prigg (Activate)
  • Arun Bharatula

People of Colour Officer

Candidates on offer:

  • Arun Bharatula
  • Ella Shi and Hanann Al Daqqa (More!)
  • Shania Khan (Left Focus)
  • Amy Bartholomeusz and Jenny Huang (Stand Up!)

Students’ Council General Representatives

Candidates on offer:

  • Hard Memes
    • Thariq Willoughby
  • More Pokémon Go on Campus
    • Robin Wang
  • Liberal
    • Nathan Bachetti
  • Stand Up!
    • Jesse Krause
    • Molly Willmott
    • Yifan Mu
    • Alice Smith
    • Desiree Cai
    • Nitin Aggarwal
    • Conor Clements
    • Stephanie Kee
    • Nguyen Hoa My
  • Activate
    • Lucy Maeve Turton
    • Claudia Gallois
  • Left Focus
    • Lia Vassiliadis
    • Jade Eckhaus
    • Nick Reich
    • Mairie Sullivan
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Cheaper Textbooks
    • Anna Morrison
  • Independent Media
    • Jesse Paris-Jourdan
    • Claire Miller
    • Trung Le
    • Jack Musgrave
    • Monique O’Rafferty
    • Peter Tzimos
  • Halal Snack Pack
    • Jamiel Sabbagh
  • More!
    • Tamara Hunt
    • Katherine Nikolaou
    • Matthew Lagamba
    • Gavin Wayne Sittampalam
    • Rachael Davies
    • Vinu Gunetilleke
    • Louis Devine
    • Madison Mooney
    • Isabelle Knight
    • Kasey Lancaster
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Create
    • Daniel Dawood
    • Megan Liew
    • Alex Dalla-Riva
    • Christopher Kounelis
  • More Beer
    • Marcus Sultani
  • Smore!
    • Akira Boardman
  • Students Against Hanson
    • Alastair Gustav James

Students’ Council Graduate Representative

Candidates on offer:

  • Virginia Holdenson (Create)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Salimeh Javadian (Stand Up!)
  • Jacob Rodrigo (More!)

Students’ Council Queer Representative

Candidates on offer:

  • Jordan Peters (Stand Up!)
  • Jade Eckhaus (Left Focus)
  • Daniel Beratis (More!)
  • Yi Ding

Students’ Council International Representative

Candidates on offer:

  • Alex Su (Create)
  • Tiffany Chui (More!)
  • Danmei Ren (Stand Up!)

Students’ Council Disabilities Representative

Candidates on offer:

  • Arun Bharatula
  • Dannielle Thorman (Stand Up!)
  • Michael Bhatti (More!)

Students’ Council Student of Colour Representative

Candidates on offer:

  • Kim Duong (More!)
  • Darren Wong (Stand Up!)

University of Melbourne Council

Candidates on offer:

  • Xavier Boffa (Create)
  • Yi Ding
  • Tyson Holloway-Clarke (The Biggest Blackest Ticket)
  • Arun Bharatula

MU Student Union Ltd Board

Candidates on offer:

  • Yi Ding
  • Caleb Triscari (More!)
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Louka Ewington-Pitsos (Hard Memes)
  • Callum O’Dowd (Create)

Activities Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Whigs
    • Lee Ellison
    • Samuel James Perkins
    • Michael Kerrison
    • Brendan Tam
    • Eli Winters
    • Grace Middleton
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Liberal
    • Nathan Bachetti
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Stand Up!
    • Sherry Zhang
    • Declan McGonigle
    • Mukhtar Nazari
  • Hard Memes
    • Louka Ewington-Pitsos
  • More Beer
    • Lachaln Paterson
  • More!
    • Jacob Sacher
    • Daniel Sango
    • Abella Man
    • Lucinda Hayes
    • David Lynch
  • Create
    • Alex Dalla-Riva
    • Matthew Sultani
    • Julian Mathai
    • Tristan Layton

Creative Arts Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Liberal
    • Michael Sabljak
  • Whigs
    • Lee Ellison
    • Samuel James Perkins
    • Michael Kerrison
    • Brendan Tam
    • Eli Winters
    • Grace Middleton
    • Sofie Onorato
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Hard Memes
    • Thariq Willoughby
  • More!
    • Tom Crowley
    • Isabelle Knight
  • Create
    • Corey Mathrick
    • Kasra Reja
  • Stand Up!
    • Karla Livingstone-Pardu
    • Jordan Peters
    • Claire Miller

Education Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Smore!
    • Akira Boardman
  • Hard Memes
    • Thariq Willoughby
  • Stand Up!
    • Melinda Suter
    • Conor Clements
    • Mukhtar Nazari
    • James Bashford
    • Jesse Krause
    • Jacinta Dowe
  • More Pokémon Go on Campus
    • Robin Wang
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Whigs
    • Lee Ellison
    • Samuel James Perkins
    • Brendan Tam
    • Michael Kerrison
    • Eli Winters
    • Grace Middleton
    • Sofie Onorato
  • Left Focus
    • Jade Eckhaus
    • Lia Vassiliadis
    • Jeremy Gibson
    • Audrey Whybrow
  • Create
    • Liam Gallagher
    • Levi West
    • Matthew Carlei
    • James Sutherland
    • Andrew Masanauskas
  • More!
    • Kasey Lancaster
    • Alexander Goulsbra
    • Jana Chalhoub
    • Michael Manoussakis
    • Katherine Polazzon
  • Liberal
    • Michael Sabljak

Environment Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Hard Memes
    • Louka Ewington-Pitsos
  • Activate
    • Lara Wiesel
    • Aoife Nicklason
  • Halal Snack Pack
    • Jamiel Sabbagh
  • Stand Up!
    • Ky My Du
    • Lucy Maeve Turton
    • Areti (Ari) Sikavitsas
  • Whigs
    • Lee Ellison
    • Samuel James Perkins
    • Michael Kerrison
    • Brendan Tam
    • Eli Winters
    • Grace Middleton
    • Sofie Onorato
  • Create
    • Tristan Layton
    • Andrew Masanauskas
    • Matthew Carlei
    • Levi West
  • More!
    • Lachlan Blain
    • Michael Manoussakis
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Liberal
    • Nathan Bachetti
  • Arun Bharatula

People of Colour Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Stand Up!
    • Desiree Cai
    • Darren Wong
    • Kareena Dhaliwal
    • Zena Zhang
  • More!
    • Nishka Pinto
    • Bill (Yao) Cai
    • Ayaan Qani
    • Michael Xing
    • Angela Keyte
    • Joshua Rose

Welfare Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Hard Memes
    • Louka Ewington-Pitsos
  • Arun Bharatula
  • Create
    • Christopher Kounelis
    • Liam Gallagher
    • Julian Mathai
    • Matthew Sultani
    • Callum O’Dowd
  • Whigs
    • Sofie Onorato
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • Stand Up!
    • Alice Smith
    • Nguyen Hoa My
    • Stephanie Kee
    • Caitlin Verlinden
    • Jordan Peters
    • Nitin Aggarwal
  • Yi Ding
  • Smore!
    • Akira Boardman
  • Liberal
    • Nathan Bachetti
  • More!
    • Michael Bhatti
    • Tamara Hunt
    • Meghan Shaw
    • Zachary Power
    • Priyanka Ajit
    • Emily Roberts
    • Michael Xing

Women’s Committee

Candidates on offer:

  • Stand Up!
    • Kareena Dhaliwal
    • Molly Willmott
    • Areti (Ari) Sikavitsas
    • Mariam Ghulam Abas
    • Nguyen Hoa My
  • Whigs
    • Sofie Onorato
  • Create
    • Megan Liew
    • Alexandra Murrell
  • More!
    • Rachael Davies
    • Kim Duong
    • LeiLei Zhang
    • Katherine Polazzon
    • Yen Jing Ni
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger

NUS Delegates

Candidates on offer:

  • Create
    • Callum O’Dowd
    • Daniel Dawood
    • Toby Wooldridge
  • Universal
    • Ezgi Bridger
  • More!
    • David Vadori
    • Yan Zhuang
    • Zachary Power
    • Sinead Manning
    • Harry Adam
    • Daniel Lopez
  • Smore!
    • Akira Boardman
  • Activate
    • Dominic Cernaz
  • Cheaper Textbooks
    • Anna Morrison
  • Left Focus
    • Jade Eckhaus
    • Lia Vassiliadis
    • Monica Leng
    • Jeremy Gibson
  • Stand Up!
    • Molly Willmott
    • Frances Lewis
    • Jesse Krause
    • Danmei Ren
    • Millie Austin-Andrews
  • Hard Memes
    • Thariq Willoughby
  • Halal Snack Pack
    • Jamiel Sabbagh
  • Arun Bharatula
  • More Pokémon Go on Campus
    • Robin Wang
  • Whigs
    • Grace Middleton
    • Brendan Tam
    • Eli Winters
    • Lee Ellison
    • Sofie Onorato

President 2016 (By-election)

Candidates on offer:

  • Tyson Holloway-Clarke (The Biggest Blackest Ticket)
  • Arun Bharatula

Adriana Mells

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: President

Show/hide candidate’s policy statement »

I’m Adriana and I would absolutely love to represent you as UMSU President in 2017. I believe that UMSU is an important source of support, representation and opportunity. For some, involvement within a department or a club can be life changing.

I believe that 2017 will be an extremely significant year for UMSU.

Safety on campus will be an important issue for UMSU next year, with the results of a nationwide survey on sexual assault at Universities due to be released. More than ever, we have seen people questioning and placing pressure upon universities for their lack of response and procedures. The position and ideas from UMSU have the ability to shape the actions and directions taken in this process. This is an issue I’m incredibly passionate about and an area where I would like to see meaningful change take place.

I would also like to see campaigns run on education issues such as the possibility of trimesters and students potentially losing control over timetabling, as being discussed by the FlexAp. I think that it is critical that UMSU ensures that students are engaged and that campaigns are inclusive and accessible to all students, so that students are more comfortable with getting involved.

The student precinct is going to be a major issue for 2017, strong direction from UMSU is needed. I believe that UMSU should not receive anything less than what it already has, we need a visible presence on campus so that students recognise the union and all the important services it provides.

It’s important that UMSU has strong representation next year. I believe my work as Women’s officer has proven my determination to do my best for students and my absolute love for this union. Let’s make 2017 UMSU’s best year yet.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: President

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What ho esteemed peers! The time honoured and glorious process of electing ones equals to the venerable Student Union is about to commence. I Lee Edward Ellison as Party President of the MU Whigs and an ardent acolyte of a civic humanism is seeking your support, your adoration and your vote. The position I am nominating for as decided by the Whig National Convention on the 8th of August, at the hallowed Shaw Davey Slum is that of Student Union President. I could deliver a curriculum vitae on myself however as a Whig I am opposed to centralised tyrannical power invested in one individual. I am a proponent of the demos, of the yeoman, of the industrious society! Therefore I shall instead present to you the Whig Party Policy as passed by acclimation at the auspicious inaugural Whig National Convention.

Whig Party Policy 2016;

We the Whigs, upholders of liberty and a fair go, thus do affirm the below principles and aims of the Party in the conduct of our affairs, to ensure the supremacy of parliament and the opposition of continental tyranny:

  • Secure free readers for first years;
  • Advocate that UMSU’s official political position be “radical centrism”;
  • Expedite the conversion of all Union House rooms to alehouses;
  • Seizure of all Papal endowments on University property;
  • Further subsidize all non-political societies and clubs’ alcohol-related events;
  • Conduct a review into the merits and shortcomings of fee deregulation for the industrial class;
  • Free provision of socks and breeches to all second year students;
  • Zadok the Priest by Handel to be played at 9:07am every Friday morning on campus;
  • Renovate the Guild Theatre to a classical style akin to George III’s sitting room;
  • Convert MLS gardens to productive land, producing sugar cane and tobacco;

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Yan Zhuang

Ticket: More!
Running for: President

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I want a Union that engages all students and advocates for your interests.

This year, as UMSU’s Welfare Officer, I started the Conversation Partners Program to help students learning English as a second language practice conversation skills. I expanded our Food Bank, which provides struggling students with assistance. I helped create UMSU’s People of Colour Department and organised of Australia’s first ever People of Colour Conference, bringing together students from marginalised backgrounds across the country.

Next year will be a unique year for UMSU. The new student precinct and the Flexible Academic Program will dramatically change the way students experience university, and students must have a voice in the discussion. My experience in issues relating to students as Welfare Officer makes me confident I can be that voice.

The two years I have been involved in UMSU have been some of the best of my life, and I want to offer everyone the opportunity that I was given. UMSU needs to be more inclusive. Getting involved is difficult when the most visible UMSU is every year is during student elections. I want a more transparent system – based on what you believe in, rather than who you know.

I want to increase the visibility of autonomous departments in UMSU, like Women’s, Disabilities, and People of Colour. These departments are vital in ensuring that UMSU supports students who face barriers to participating in university life. I want to ensure students feel safe on campus, by advocating for better welfare policies for clubs and societies, and pushing for better regulations surrounding the way we deal with sexual assault on campus.

As President, I will work to create a Student Union which speaks for all students.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of More! »

Michael Sabljak

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: President

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Liberal »

Andrew O’Shea

Ticket: Create
Running for: President

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Create »

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: President

No policy statement supplied.

Yasmine Luu

Ticket: More!
Running for: General Secretary

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I take great pride in being a member of UMSU. Being at this University for five years, I have truly experienced the growth and advancement that our flourishing student union has undertaken.

No University in Victoria can rival the club scene we have here and that is what drew me to my current position as one of the Clubs and Societies Officers. It has allowed me to pursue the issues I believe are important to students; like moving into tech based grants, encouraging more events with increased funding, creating more opportunities to undertake detailed welfare training, and reforming our policies on alcohol to make sure everyone is safe and able to have a great time.

The clubs role has given me the drive, skills and experience necessary to serve as your next General Secretary. If elected, I will make it my mission to focus on the needs and desires of students for the new Student Precinct. I will bring back U-Week, to increase engagement and involvement. This time, working closely with the new Volunteering Coordinator to make sure everyone has an opportunity to play their part in the student union. I will make UMSU a place of support for your well-being, for your passions and for your studies. UMSU will become the safest, most welcoming, and accessible student union for all to enjoy.

From activities to activism, clubs to collectives, BBQS to books, UMSU is a rich tapestry of the diversity of students – and More! wants to foster that culture. Our union needs to be a place that everyone feels included, where no student is left behind. I am dedicated and committed to giving you the UMSU that hard working students deserve.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of More! »

Michael Sabljak

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: General Secretary

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Liberal »

Michael Kerrison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: General Secretary

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Nikhil Sachdev

Ticket: Create
Running for: General Secretary

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Create »

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: General Secretary

No policy statement supplied.

Sarah Xia

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: General Secretary

Show/hide candidate’s policy statement »

Hi! I’m Sarah, and I’d love to represent you as General Secretary.

I have been an active member of the student community since 2014, in both clubs and UMSU. I served as the President of the Melbourne International Relations Society in 2015, and am the current UMSU Welfare Officer. In my term as Welfare Officer, I have been consistently dedicated to student wellbeing through events, services and advocacy. I am particularly proud of increasing awareness of the Food Bank and the expansion of the service to the VCA campus.

The General Secretary is responsible for ensuring UMSU’s day-to-day operations can run effectively and efficiently, and that our Constitution is upheld. One of UMSU’s biggest roles is advocating for students’ rights at university and maintaining the quality of our education. As General Secretary, I want to make sure that UMSU’s various policies and regulations are easily accessible and understandable to students. This will allow students to have a greater understanding of UMSU’s role, their rights at university and the various support mechanisms available.

I have a demonstrated understanding and appreciation of the UMSU Constitution and the various bits of policy and meeting requirements within the union, all of which are important in maintaining transparency. This year I spearheaded the comprehensive constitutional reforms that saw a People of Colour Department permanently established within UMSU. This department will allow students of ethnic and racial minority backgrounds to have proper representation similar to the Women’s Department, Queer Department, Disabilities Department and Indigenous Department.

I am passionate about students’ rights and upholding the transparency of UMSU through consultative policy reform.

As your General Secretary, I will increase the accountability and transparency of the union so that students are able to have an inclusive and supportive experience at university and on campus.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Jeremy Gibson

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: General Secretary

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Hi! I’m Jeremy, a third year Arts student majoring in History, and a longstanding activist at Melbourne Uni. I’m running for Secretary because I want to reinvigorate UMSU.

Too often our student union is invisible. Office-bearers are elected and then disappear until the elections the following year. I want to organise a student union that’s accountable to the student body.

Left Focus activists campaign for University funding all year round, and against the Government’s attacks on higher education. This year the university announced a major attack (FlexAp) on the way our degrees are taught, with cuts to courses and face-to-face teaching time, and a massive increase in class sizes. Fighting this and against other attacks has to be the foundation of any student body that’s serious about standing up for students’ rights.

Things won’t go forward with the same old faces running things, the same student politicians that get themselves elected and then get nothing done. We need to challenge the trend of increasing fees and declining quality in Australian universities. I’m part of a committed team that will get that done.

Vote [1] Left Focus for activism that counts!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

Jade Eckhaus and Lia Vassiliadis

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

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Hi! I’m Lia, a second-year Arts student, and Jade, doing Art History. We’re also activists on campus and have spent the year campaigning for your rights as students and a higher quality of education on campus.

We are running for Education (Academic) Office because education is increasingly becoming a commodity in Australian society. The Liberals are leveling attack after attack against students, the Vice Chancellors of every Group of Eight University are pushing hard for deregulated fees, and the UniMelb administration is launching a major attack on undergraduate degrees (the FlexAp). They plan cuts to courses, cut face-to-face teaching, massively increase class sizes and abolish lectures!

There has never been a more crucial time for student activists to take a stand.

We also want to fight for positive changes at our university, not just against attacks. Refugees are marginalised and oppressed by our government, and it’s extremely difficult for them to work, let alone study. We want to win a scholarship for refugees making it easier for them to study at UoM.

With the Liberals still in power and declaring their ongoing commitment to fee deregulation, 2017 is gearing up to be a year of intensive campaigning for education.

We want to see a campus that does not treat education as a commodity but a right for every one of us. Students should not be treated as consumers to be exploited, but rather as individuals with complex and diverse intellectual needs.

If this is the type of student union you would like to see, then Vote [1] Jade and Lia for Education (Academic)!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Amelia Saward and Millie Austin-Andrews

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

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Hi, we’re Millie and Amelia, and we’re running for the Education (Academic Affairs) Office this year because we believe in a department that’s inclusive and fights for quality education.

The university is currently considering a number of restructures, and next year will be crucial in ensuring this does not adversely affect students. We want to hold the university to account and make sure any changes are in the best interests of students. We want to make sure class sizes stay small, that students have access to their lecturers and tutors and that the special consideration process is fair. Your education should be fair, accessible and top quality!

We’re also passionate about keeping our Students Representative Network (SRN) strong. We want to make sure this network involves students with diverse experiences, by finding passionate people to represent us and make sure our voices are heard!

We recognise that UMSU represents such a diverse range of students. They are not just students, but also workers, women, people of colour or people with disabilities – there are so many other things that impact on our education. As Education officers, we will be committed to working collaboratively with other departments to make sure that we are as inclusive as we can be.

We’ve both been involved in UMSU for a while – Millie has been on Student’s Council and participated in various campaigns, and this year Amelia has been on the Education Committee and a part of the SRN. Our time at this university and with UMSU has been so rewarding and we want to make sure current and future students have the same opportunities!

We’re passionate about standing up for you and your education and we would love the chance to fight for you!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Liberal »

Stylianos Nikias

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Create »

Caley McPherson and Roger Samuel

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Officer (Academic Affairs)

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Hi! We’re Caley and Roger, and we want to be the voice representing students in discussions between UMSU and the university, in relation to academic affairs.

We are passionate about education, and about making it accessible and of the highest quality. We know how life-changingly important it can be, so we want to make sure students get the most out of their university experience. Discussions around the FlexAP will be ongoing and have the potential to drastically change how the university runs. We want to be present and fighting for best possible student outcomes in each and every one of those meetings.

Our vision for the Education (Academic) Department also includes greater assessment feedback, particularly after exams; consistency when dealing with breaches of academic integrity; continuing to push for all subjects to have recorded lectures; more textbooks available in libraries for long-term loans; and moving the conversation around the new student precinct online. Both of us moved to Melbourne from regional areas to study, and we understand that the transition to uni life can be difficult. We want to ease that transition, and ensure that the university treats students fairly and compassionately. A student accommodation place guarantee for out-of-town first years would be one way of reducing stress, and for priority to be given to students who live further than an hour away when timetabling tutorials.

The student union needs to be a place where all students are heard, supported and bolstered up to achieve all that they strive for. With us as your Education (Academic) Officers, UMSU will reach out to you and be that helping hand. Our vision for your future is all about getting more out of your university experience, and achieving all that you can be.

Vote 1 More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Virginia Holdenson

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

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Anneke Demanuele and Dominic Cernaz

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

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Hey, we’re Anneke and Dominic and we’re excited to run with Stand Up! In this election.

Hi! I’m Anneke, a second-year Arts Student. I’ve been on the UMSU Education Committee and Students Council representative, a member of the Education Action Group and have chaired a Victorian education protest. I’m an education activist, big time. I’ve spent countless hours organising every education protest. You’ve probably heard me in one or two of your lectures.

I’m Dominic and I’m a 3rd year Arts student and committed to creating an activist culture on campus and fighting the University corporatisation. I’ve been the Education Public officer this year and am running for re-election because next year is going to be a vital year for the University and I want to use my experience to ensure the university is held accountable. I started the Keep the Quality! campaign to make sure all students know how they are being attacked.

And there’s so much to campaign for. We lost 540 staff last year. The government wants to deregulate fees and cut uni funding by 20%. HECS is constantly under threat of blowing up. Average tutorial sizes have increased fourfold in the last 20 years. Our tutors have less time for us. More and more we’re just cogs in a business model. This year saw the introduction of a new program, called the FlexAP which will mean more attacks on students that will continue into next year. We’re the only candidates with the experience to engage students with the passion and courage to stand up and fight back. Our excellent campaign for education is the only reason things haven’t gotten dramatically worse during the Liberals’ time in power. Our education is an issue worth voting for.

Make your vote count – vote [1] Stand Up!

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

Daniel Lopez and Sinead Manning

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

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We’re Sinead and Daniel, and we want to be your Education (Public) Officers. We are passionate about fighting against changes in policy that undermine the quality and accessibility of higher education. Education is a right, not a privilege.

We will ensure you are able to understand, access, and influence education policy at the University of Melbourne. We will act to give students a voice. We want to start a volunteering program within the Education (Public) Office, where politically and socially minded students can work with us to achieve change within the University.

Higher education is under attack. The cost of higher education is shifting on to students, and this is wrong. We will fight for greater access to degrees for all students, regardless of their background. We will protest against fee deregulation, staff casualisation, funding cuts, and ensure greater student involvement in the Flexible Academic Programming work streams.

We’re both fourth year Arts students, and have been extensively involved in student representation, clubs, and university committees. Sinead studies classics and archaeology, and Daniel majors in history and Chinese.

We will work closely with the Disabilities, People of Colour, Queer, Indigenous, and Women’s Departments to ensure the voices of all students are heard and represented in our campaigns. We believe in working together to create an inclusive student union.

We will continue to fight for students at National Days of Action, and campaign for an equitable and accessible education system. We will run smaller, high-impact campaigns targeting specific issues. We’ll hold frequent Policy Picnics, and EdPub@Pub nights where you can tell us exactly what you think!

We are passionate, engaged, hard-working, progressive, and dedicated. As your Education (Public) Officers, we will relentlessly advocate for students. Our unique skills, experience, and interests will ensure an inclusive, responsive, and effective Education Office.

Vote 1 More!

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Michael Sabljak

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

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Samuel James Perkins

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Officer (Public Affairs)

No policy statement supplied.

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Monica Leng and Nick Reich

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Welfare Officer

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Student welfare is under attack. The government is undermining both Youth Allowance and Newstart. Vital services like health and counselling are being cut and undermined. It’s getting harder and harder to be a student – and more and more expensive, as you’ll be reminded every time you buy lunch on campus. Students need advocates who will listen to their concerns, and who will also take the fight to those who are responsible for undermining the wellbeing of students. Vice-Chancellors, corporate interests, Liberal governments, and organised racists, sexists, and homophobes, all need to be challenged, so that students can enjoy university life free of intimidation and anxiety.

Students are one of the most likely demographic of people to fall into poverty, with ⅓ of students living below the poverty line. One of the biggest burdens on students is actually getting to uni, with the rising cost of public transport. We will campaign for an extension of the free tram zone to ensure students aren’t caught out when coming to their classes.

We’ve been committed to challenging these problems since we got involved in activism on campus. We spent this year helping organise students to take on the proposed fee hikes and cuts to universities, challenging Islamophobia through demonstrations against Pauline Hanson and Reclaim Australia, and many other issues relevant to students.

Along with the other candidates running with us on Left Focus, we spend many hours campaigning against the government’s treatment of refugees, and we want to see our university take a stand as well – we will demand a refugee scholarship to give more refugees the opportunity to study at the University of Melbourne.

If you would like to see representatives In UMSU that will fight to defend student welfare, then Vote [1] Left Focus for Welfare Officer!

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Claudia Lombard and Xu Zhang (John)

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Officer

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We’re Claudia and John and we would love to be given the opportunity to be the 2016 UMSU Welfare Officers.

Claudia is a Bachelor of Environments student, majoring in Urban Design and Planning, a long-time volunteer at UMSU, and President of Envi., the Environments Student Society. She is passionate about planning for diversity and inclusion.

John is currently undertaking Juris Doctor at Melbourne Law School. He is the President of Calligraphy Club and has experience in planning and organising numerous student activities. He’s always full of passion for helping other students.

The Welfare department is a vital service to all students, particularly those who otherwise feel marginalised or disadvantaged. University life can be very stressful and balancing one’s physical and mental health with academic life can be considerably tough. It’s our aim to provide students with the support and care they need through their Student Union.

As your Welfare Officers, we would ensure that all students, whether local or international, feel as though that can seek out the Welfare department for help whenever necessary, as well as make the most of our programs all year round. With initiatives such as the free Thursday breakfast, food bank, household help, conversation sessions and a greater range of special events, we aspire to run an engaging and active Welfare department.

We believe in an inclusive campus – a space where all students feel as though they can be themselves and can get involved in all the university has to offer. We aim to run events which are fun, positive and inclusive, that both allow a social outlet and aim to improve the wellbeing of students.

We are ready to take on the exciting task of being the 2016 Welfare Officers!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Welfare Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Welfare Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Welfare Officer

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The welfare of the university’s student body should be dictated by consensus. As radical centrists, we will do all in our power to reduce the administrative authoritarianism within the University system, and return power to those being governed. The seizure of all Papal endowments on University property and a mandatory 45% tariff on all French imports, and the subsequent channeling of such funds into welfare programs as deemed appropriate by consensus of the student body is just one of many examples of the reforms that I, as welfare officer for the Whigs, will introduce. Furthermore, in continuation of the spirit of the well-established ‘Stress Less Week’, cheese and wine every Tuesday shall be introduced so that every week may be less stressed. For the enactment of further reforms in this manner, vote [1] Whigs. #whigsupremacy2016

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Ryan Davey and Teresa Gornall

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Officer

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Hi! We’re Teresa and Ryan and we’d love to be your Welfare Officers for 2017!

Teresa has been an active member of a number of UMSU clubs and societies, Community Engagement Officer for University of Melbourne Labor Club, as well as having extensive volunteer experience. Ryan has been actively involved in the Arts Students Society and this year has been one of the UMSU Clubs and Societies Officers.

Ensuring that students are able to get the most out of their time at university means making sure that every aspect of student wellbeing is catered for. University can be a vulnerable time for students as they move out of home, juggle studies with work and go through the ups and downs of relationships and friendships. This is why the services that the Welfare Department provide are especially important- from the Food Bank to Household Help to free Yoga classes. As your Officers we would like to see these services expanded and become more accessible to the broader student body.

  • Running a series of workshops in conjunction with the autonomous departments, (Women’s, Disabilities, Queer, People of Colour, Indigenous) primarily focusing on issues that are only experienced by students in those communities during university.
  • Expanding exam support stalls including those which would run at night during SWOTVAC and the exam period.
  • Increasing the department’s reach to better assist International and Exchange students by liaising with the University’s Global Mobility Program and Exchange clubs.
  • Working closer with clubs and societies on campus, including the establishment of a bi-annual C&S Welfare Collective
  • Running a campaign around student homelessness and in particular through welfare initiatives such as Stress Less Week, R U OK Day and Respect Week.

Vote 1 More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Mairie Sullivan

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Women’s Officer

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Hi! I’m Mairie, a first-year Arts student. I’m an activist on campus and have spent the last year campaigning for women’s rights and against cuts to university funding that disproportionately affect women.

Despite explicitly sexist laws having been fought and dismantled, women still face daily instances of sexism and systematic discrimination. The Left Focus team is involved in various campaigns for women’s rights, including the pro-choice demonstrations against conservative dinosaurs who would like to see women’s rights to abortion removed, and the International Women’s Day march promoting gender equality.

It is appalling that in 2016 women still earn only 80 cents to every $1 a man earns – and this gender pay-gap is only getting wider. Female university graduates over their lifetime on average will make barely half of what male graduates make ($1.8 million against $3.3 million). Campaigns for pay equity are a high priority for our team.

If elected we will continue to campaign around issues of discrimination and oppression affecting women on campus, and promote protests and actions around women’s rights to encourage more students to get involved in fighting against sexism.

Vote [1] Left Focus for Women’s officer!

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Frances Gamble and Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Women’s Officer

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Hi, we’re Frances and Grace, your illustrious candidates for Women’s Officer. We’re excited to run together for the opportunity to represent the ladies of this great land in the forthcoming year.

Whig Policy is as follows:

We the Whigs, upholders of liberty and a fair go, thus do affirm the below principles and aims of the Party in the conduct of our affairs, to ensure the supremacy of parliament and strengthen the opposition of continental tyranny:

  1. Secure free readers for first years;
  2. Advocate that UMSU’s official political position be “radical centrism”;
  3. Expedite the conversion of all Union House rooms to alehouses;
  4. Seizure of all Papal endowments on University property;
  5. Further subsidize all non-political societies and clubs’ alcohol-related events;
  6. Conduct a review into the merits and shortcomings of fee deregulation for the industrial class;
  7. Free provision of socks and breeches to all second year students;
  8. Zadok the Priest by Handel to be played at 9:07am every Friday morning on campus;
  9. Renovate the Guild Theatre to a classical style akin to George III’s sitting room;
  10. Convert MLS gardens to productive land, producing sugar cane and tobacco;
  11. Implement a 45% tariff on French imports;
  12. Unconditional payment to all new agriculture students for their first subject;
  13. Creation of the “Whig Choir” in the English choral tradition;
  14. Erection of a monument on South Lawn to Jupiter, with weekly saturnalias;
  15. Cheese and wine every Tuesday;
  16. Enact a glorious reduction of administrative authoritarianism within the University.

It’s no coincidence that Women and Whig both start with W. Think on that.


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Aisling Acton and Sonia Lim

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Officer

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We’re Aisling and Sonia and we would love to be your Women’s Officers in 2017. We believe in a progressive student union that supports women students and provides them with a prominent voice in all areas of the university.

This year, Aisling has sat on Women’s and Disabilities Committees, as well as Student’s Council and SRN. She has enjoyed helping out with events, collaborating with university staff and working to change the UMSU constitution. Sonia is currently a social events officer for MIRS. She has also been working with schools in Burma to inspire young girls to go into politics through linking them up with women in parliament.

As the Women’s Officers, we want to ensure that all women students feel safe, represented and supported both on and off campus. Through running campaigns, hosting events, and working alongside university staff, we aim to begin conversations around the experiences of women students and encourage direct action, involvement and inclusivity. We will be adopting an intersectional approach to all areas of the department, and hope to collaborate with other autonomous departments to make UMSU as a whole more accessible and representative of trans women, queer women, women of colour and women with disabilities. We will also be working on the Safety on Campus campaign and demanding university-wide structural changes to ensure that women’s safety and wellbeing is prioritised at all times.

We are passionate about developing a strong sense of community between women and making sure their voices are heard, and we hope to achieve this through regular events such as Women of Colour collective, Women’s collective and the Women’s Mentoring Network. We’re looking forward to getting more women involved in this wonderful department in 2017, and sharing the rest of our ideas with you!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Anjana Abeyratne and Hannah Billett

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Officer

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Hi, we’re Anju and Hannah, and we are running to be your Women’s Officers for 2016. Both of us have experience in women’s advocacy and media engagement, and will use this to make the women’s department an inclusive place for all women, regardless of background or political affiliation. There are important issues for women students on campus which need to be addressed, such as measures to help women be safe and have adequate support and opportunities for recourse. In addition, we plan to use social media to bring more women to the Women’s Room so they can enjoy the fantastic environment and take advantages of the resources on offer. We will also seek to rectify the disadvantages women graduates face as they try to enter the workforce by providing opportunities for women to gain the practical skills needed to gain employment. We also feel that Women’s Department needs to be a fun and dynamic way for women to forge friendships and be exposed to new ideas and experiences. Whether that be through continuing the intersectional groups like Women of Colour collective and the Queer and Questioning QTs, or through new initiatives like judgement-free exercise and classes, our Women’s Department will be a place for you!

Vote 1 More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Alexandra Murrell

Ticket: Create
Running for: Women’s Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Harriet Wallace-Mead and Sara Pascoe

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Creative Arts Officer

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Hi. Hello. Is it you you’re arting for?

As 2017’s Creative Arts Officers, we are not only excited to deliver the return of the almighty Mudfest (a festival of new student works from a range of artistic disciplines) but we plan on continuing the legacy of previous Office Bearers in providing emerging artists with the tools for creating accessible and environmentally sustainable works.

You see, we believe in connection through art. And by golly we want to art.

Our plan is simple: support the people who make art for the people. That means me and you and that funny word you heard on the tram this morning, the coffee you just spilled which sparked a conversation, and that mysterious space you wished you’d explored on your way back from class… We hope to help these moments flourish through artistic exploration, both within the student arts community and for the rest of your lives.

We want more music. More dance. More live & public art and more exploration of the world we share; and we want it to reach each and every person who wants it.

Both Harriet and Sara were on the 2016 Creative Arts Committee and helped facilitate the events run by UMSU Creative Arts. Sara is heavily involved in student theatre (currently a creative producer, performer and production manager). She is interested in immersive and pubic performance art, film and live music and will be showing a new performance-based work in Tastings 2016. Harriet has been floating around student theatre for three years now, working across a range of artistic and production roles. She believes in making risky art, facilitating productive responses to art, and in the capacity of art to help us think through and question the world around us.

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Corey Mathrick

Ticket: Create
Running for: Creative Arts Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Jade Rae

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Creative Arts Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Activities Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Jacinta Cooper and Lydia Paevere

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Officer

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Hi, we’re Jacinta & Lydia and we’re running for the position of UMSU Activities Office Bearers. We have fostered a passion for student social events through our experiences on student club committees, and later taking on executive positions as the Presidents of the Science Students’ Society and the Engineering Students’ Club, respectively. Through these positions we have developed substantial and extensive capabilities in facilitating social activities both on and off campus for students of all backgrounds and disciplines. We know the value of hard work and creativity when it comes to organising exciting and diverse events for the student body.

We firmly believe that University should not only be a means to academic advancement, but also an environment for social interactions, enjoyment and friendships. We recognise UMSU’s role as an organisation to advance the betterment of student life and we believe social activities play a crucial and significant role in doing so.

We’ll work over the long term to have more pop-up bars and food vans come to campus around the week, which are events we have already established as club presidents.

We aim to extend our activities to Burnley campus, introducing an outdoor cinema night and winery tours. Our vision for Monday barbeque’s is to feature different competitions, from poetry to comedy to talent to bands. We aim to ensure that all students can benefit from the Activities Department.

Our involvement in clubs and activities has made University the best years of our life and if elected as your activities officers, we will strive to make all students have the same love for Melbourne University that we cherish.

Vote 1 More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Audrey Whybrow

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Queer Officer

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Hi, I’m Audrey! I’m a second-year Psychology student and an activist for Equal Love, the national campaign for marriage equality. I’ve been actively involved in the campaign for equal marriage rights and with the campaign to defend the Safe Schools Coalition from right-wing attacks. I want to be able to create a dynamic activist queer department that wants to take a real stand against homophobia and transphobia.

We want to improve campus culture and challenge queerphobia in wider society. Australian law is still discriminatory. Campaigns like the marriage equality rallies where thousands of people come out onto the street to protest homophobia is the kind of thing I would like to see more of.

Queer youth suffer from poverty and homelessness at far greater rates than the rest of the population. We will prioritise campaigning for adequate welfare and accessible healthcare and education.

If you think we need a union that takes queer issues seriously and actually represents queer students on campus, challenges government policy that harms queer students, then Vote [1] Left Focus for Queer Officer!

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Yi Ding

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Queer Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Blake Atmaja and Evelyn Lesh

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Queer Officer

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Evelyn: Most recognisable as the mysterious purple-haired genderqueer human(?) seen wandering Union House this semester, I’m running to be one of your Queer Officers for 2017! I may appear to be a mere first year Science student, but in a past life I was also here majoring in economics. In two years away from uni, I gained valuable experience volunteering for queer organisations like Ygender and Melbourne Gaymers. I hope to bring that experience to the department, and continue its long history of supporting students of all genders and sexualities.

Blake: found in densely populated academic areas, often being loud, bright, and impeccably sassful. I’ve been at university a number of semesters as an arts student involved with the theatre community, clubs like the Engineering Music Society, and I’ve probably taught some of you in VCESS or guided you through the perpetually renovated campus during O-Week. It’s me, that guy! My aim as 2017 Queer Officer is to take all that knowledge and bring it all back to you. This university has been good to me, so I want to make sure it’s excellent space for those who come after.

We want the Queer Space to be:

-a diverse, safe space where every queer student feels welcome and supported, regardless of their background or how they identify, and

-a place to make new friends, hang out, relax and have fun!

We’ll do this by making sure the Queer Department stays independently run by and for the Unimelb queer community, not by political factions. With your suggestions and feedback, we hope to organise a range of exciting events and activities throughout the year. If that’s what you’d like to see, vote for Evelyn and Blake to be your next Queer Officers!

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Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Environment Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Environment Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Levi West

Ticket: Create
Running for: Environment Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Jade Rae

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Environment Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Simon Aplin

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Environment Officer

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Hi, I’m Simon! I’m studying Social Theory and am an environmentalist and activist. Environmental degradation is an unfortunate reality in Australia. Mines are continually constructed on Indigenous land in Western Australia. Coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef is likely to mean the loss of this important ecosystem. I have been involved in campaigns about these issues in the past year, supporting protests and raising awareness about the consequences.

The human cost of global warming is set to increase, with rising sea levels threatening communities in our region such as the Micronesian Islands. Politicians constantly fail to take action on climate change and treat the issue as a joke.

Obviously climate change isn’t going to be defeated at Melbourne Uni, but we can provide a lead to the broader community. I want to run campaigns around local issues like the continuing fallout from the Latrobe Valley Coal Mine, and create forums for discussing how the current climate crisis can be dealt with on a much greater scale.

If this is the sort of Environment Department you envisage, then Vote [1] Left Focus for Environment Officer!

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Elizabeth Nicholson and Kate Denver-Stevenson

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Environment Officer

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Hey we’re Kate and Lizzie and we both kicked off our relationship with the environment office two years ago through volunteering with the fossil free campaign. Working with fossil free has not only boosted our campaigning skills and activist networks, it has also equipped us with an understanding of UoM’s commitment to fighting climate change and environmental issues. As the university implements its sustainability plan, we fully intend on holding them accountable to their goals and will demand genuine commitment towards change from the university with everything we’ve got. Over the last two years we have both been thoroughly inspired by the amazing work the office bearers put in every day. We are very excited at the prospect of facilitating the existing regular events they’ve worked so hard to make institutions within the union. The bike co-op, green screen, play with your food and enviro week aren’t going anywhere! But it doesn’t stop there, whatever you think the enviro department can help you with, get in touch and we’ll make it happen!

Vote [1] Activate to Activate your Union!

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Gulsara Kaplun and Kayley Cuzzubbo

Ticket: More!
Running for: Clubs & Societies Officer

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Hi, we’re Gulsara and Kayley, your More! candidates for the Clubs and Societies office. We both have strong backgrounds in running clubs, with Kayley serving on the committees for F.O.U.L. and Potter Heads, and Gulsara on the Secular Society, Woodworkers Society, Philosophy Community and Scandinavian Society. We’ve also worked together for the past year after being voted on to the Clubs and Societies Committee, Kayley serving her first term and Gulsara on her third.

We both believe in encouraging as many students as possible to be involved in all levels of clubs, in maximizing available resources for societies to run bigger and better events. As we both come from smaller societies we truly appreciate the importance of celebrating the small and quirky clubs found on campus. We want to build on the work of the past More Activities C&S department by continuing to introduce features and improvements to the enormously successful Clubs Online system, developing an alcohol service policy that is safe and minimally disruptive to event operations and under the hood improvements to make club executives’ lives easier. We also hope to work with vendors around the university to make a more diverse range of catering options affordable for club events.

Clubs are all about inclusion and we plan to provide incentives for events and new club affiliations on non-Parkville campuses and introduce an online message board for committee members to have their questions answered and encourage relationships between clubs. Welfare will continue to be a priority, with a focus on continual feedback from clubs through working groups. We’re also planning a Eurovision spectacular, with clubs and UMSU departments coming together to form a new event that’s sure to become a fixture on the UniMelb social calendar.

Vote 1 More! More active

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Clubs & Societies Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Disabilities Officer

No policy statement supplied.

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Alston Chu and Cassandra Prigg

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Disabilities Officer

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I’m Cass and I have chronic physical and psychiatric disabilities. For a long time I didn’t realise the Department was for me – I was afraid of being labelled as disabled and I didn’t think my issues were serious enough. One thing I want to make sure we do is let students know we are about making university more accessible for all people, whatever their needs and abilities. We have to think about both how disability is experienced by the student body, and think about who is still missing out on the university experience. As a queer woman I’m really passionate about how disability can interact with other axes of oppression. As officer I will run an inclusive, safer space and do my best to connect students, the University and services so everyone can get the best level of access and fully participate in uni life.

I’m Alston! It took me a while to find safe environments to properly address my mental health in a way I felt comfortable. It’s been a pretty drawn out experience of repeatedly thinking “wait, this just shouldn’t be that difficult?” My hope is that I can build on previous years’ work to make sure that disabled students will always be able to speak on their own behalf in a way that demands the respect it’s due. (Part of that hope is my slightly selfish impulse to make sure that nobody thinks they’re just not quite as good at things as other people the way I did.) As well as working to strengthen the collective and the community, I’d like to take a look at the uni’s processes for dealing with disability, working to make them more transparent and accessible at the least.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Disabilities Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: People of Colour Officer

No policy statement supplied.

Ella Shi and Hanann Al Daqqa

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Officer

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Hello! We’re Ella and Hanann and we’re running with More! to become the People of Colour Officers. People of Colour is a new department and this role will require a team that is experienced and understands the student body. Between us, we’ve studied at this university for nearly 9 years and we understand the challenges students encounter. We’re especially passionate about addressing racism and representation and will bring to the role a wealth of experience.

Ella: As a member of Students’ Council this year, I’ve gained an in depth and practical understanding of UMSU, and I’ve been involved and invested in the process of establishing the PoC department. As a long term contributor to Farrago, my writing has frequently discussed racism and culture.

Hanann: As an Australian/Palestinian who grew up in South East Asia, I am passionate about promoting diverse representation particularly in the cultural sector and the arts. I am currently the co-founder and President of the first Art History Student Society at Melbourne University. With Ella, I am running a series of Art Asian Dialogues conceived in response to Western cultural bias in the university curriculum.

Our vision for the department is a vehicle of activism, with an emphasis on intersectionality across gender, religion, sexuality, ability and class, and recognition of the varying experiences of racism faced by people of colour across different ethnic identities including racism within PoC communities. We will establish accessible avenues for the reporting of racism and harassment, run social and networking events for community building, run workshops and reading groups for developing critical thought, and promote the visibility and achievements of people of colour. We’re excited about this department and committed to improving the experiences of students of colour into the future.

Vote 1 More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Shania Khan

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: People of Colour Officer

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Hi, I’m Shania! I’m an Arts student and an activist on campus. When I’m not working or studying, I’m campaigning for refugee rights and against racism.

Over the past year we’ve seen the government’s attacks on refugees and Muslims get even worse, the rise of a number of fascist organizations and the election to Parliament of Pauline Hanson and three other One Nation senators.
Our campus community is not immune. This year, racist Islamophobic graffiti has been found on campus. There’s never been more reason for our student union to contain fighters against racism.

Along with the other candidates running with on Left Focus, I spend many hours campaigning against the government’s treatment of refugees. We want to see our university take a stand as well, so Left Focus will demand funding for a refugee scholarship to welcome more refugee students to study at the University of Melbourne.

UMSU needs to be brave enough to take the fight to Government policy and the far right if we’re going to beat back racism in our society and on campus.

This is why we need activists like Left Focus running the student union. Vote [1] Left Focus for People of Colour Officer!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Amy Bartholomeusz and Jenny Huang

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: People of Colour Officer

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Hi! We’re Jenny and Amy, and we’re both studying a Bachelor of Arts. We believe strongly in creating autonomous representation for students of colour. As students involved in the People of Colour Collective, we believe we would be the best choice to run as your office bearers for the newly created People of Colour Department, having been involved at it’s inception.

Students who come from different racial backgrounds face a range of challenges at university, from being subject to discriminatory and racist attitudes and remarks from peers and educators, to cultural difficulties at home. We’re interested in creating a voice and safe space for students who identify as a person of colour at the University of Melbourne. We believe we can represent students of colour to ensure that their voices are heard and to provide valuable support, such as providing guidance for grievances. It is important to combat any demeaning acts or attitudes, including microaggressions, targeted at someone just because of their racial background, the colour of their skin or their cultural values.

As people of colour ourselves, we can understand the experiences that may emerge from identifying this way and therefore our ultimate aim as People of Colour Officers is to represent the diverse range of voices for our diverse student population.

To achieve this, we want to run activities for students of colour, including running a People of Colour Collective and collaborating with other departments on workshops creating awareness about our equality and representation challenges as people of colour. We would also like to implement movie nights and creative programs celebrating culture and the rich diversity present at the University of Melbourne.

We will listen and we will work hard to make sure your voice is heard.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Thariq Willoughby

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Robin Wang

Ticket: More Pokémon Go on Campus
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, I’m Robin, and I believe we need a strong voice for Pokémon Go! Players in UMSU. For too long those that would see our voices silenced have pulled the levers of power on campus.

This has to stop.

If elected I will be a strong voice on Students’ Council representing the rights of our community, and will push back against any further updates that will threaten students’ ability to catch and train. Vote for me and I will push for an extra gym at Union House, and a student Union that’s prepared to demand More Pokéstops on campus!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of More Pokémon Go on Campus »

Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Jesse Krause

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey, my name’s Jesse and I’m running for a position on Students’ Council because I believe wholly in our union and its potential! UMSU has afforded me so many opportunities and brought such amazing and inspiring people into my life, it’s hard to imagine life without it. I want to continue our history of student representation and help students to enjoy a fair, safe and memorable university experience. I believe in progressive, activist and passionate student unionism and I promise that me and my fellow candidates on Stand Up! can help make that vision a reality.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Molly Willmott

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey, I’m Molly Willmot and I’m a first year Bachelor of Arts student. I believe in a progressive and representative union at UMSU, and I think an integral way of achieving this is maintaining a progressive student’s council. This is why I am running for a spot on council. With threats to students looming in the Flexible Academic Program, as well as the new student precinct, I believe that students on campus deserve quality in both academia and lifestyle, and I aim to fight for both as a voice for the student body.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Yifan Mu

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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I am Yifan Mu, I want to run for the election for student council and committee of welfare this time. There are many work I want to give to make a difference. To make the benefits for everyone, there are duties to take and wise decisions to make. I will determine to give a service that can make every students get a more satisfying result about many issues concerned by you. I will try to make a good work for more individuals to find more evolvement and help in the university life. Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Alice Smith

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, I’m Alice and I’m a first year Arts student running for Students’ Council. I became involved with UMSU this year through the Welfare and Women’s department. I’m a strong believer in unionism, and believe the best way to support students, especially those from autonomous groups, is through collective action. Within our own university there are still too many lectures unrecorded and too long a wait to get help from Stop 1. If elected to Students’ Council I will fight for students’ best interests and I will advocate for a more inclusive union.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Desiree Cai

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey I’m Desiree, I’m a first year Arts student. I’m a regular volunteer for various UMSU departments and I’m involved with a number of clubs. I believe Students’ Council is the most important place in UMSU for students to speak up for their best interests. This is especially important during this time when the university is planning to make changes to the way courses are run. I believe that UMSU does and can do even more amazing work to protect student’s interests, and if elected I will take on this responsibility to speak up for students.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nitin Aggarwal

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, I’m Nitin and I am studying Master in IS. I’m running for Students’ Council, and I will work for each and every student. Most importantly I will make sure that we will listen to you and to communicate with you regularly. I know voting for someone requires a lot of trust and faith and I will work hard every day to earn your trust. I will work towards in connecting like-minded students for better engagement and make sure students have access to the clubs and services they want.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Conor Clements

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hello, I’m Conor! I’m in my first year at Melbourne Uni and I’m hoping to be elected to Students’ Council in 2017. Over the course of the year I’ve been lucky enough to gain experience in UMSU and I’m ready to try my hand at more official involvement. I’d like to be able to add my own views and values to a great group of minds working together to help make our university a better place. Council will be a great opportunity to make an impact in UMSU and make sure our voices are heard.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Stephanie Kee

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, I’m Stephanie. I believe that student well-being is vital to an enriching and successful University experience. I want to ensure that all students have access to a wide range of services that will help ease social, financial and emotional pressures, so that you can focus on self-improvement and achieving your full potential. As an international student and a WOC, I also recognise that students of certain backgrounds may face unique difficulties during your time at Uni, and aim to work closely with all other departments to make sure that your needs are addressed. Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nguyen Hoa My

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, my name is My and I’d love to represent you on Students’ Council. UMSU is here to represent all University of Melbourne students, and I believe in a student union that is active, inclusive and consistently advocates for better quality education. I am running for Students’ Council because I am passionate about the big issues facing students, including student wellbeing, discrimination and the issues surrounding FlexAP.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Lucy Maeve Turton

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Activate is open, inclusive and left – always left. Our people bring new ideas and strategies to the table based on experiences not usually represented at decision-making levels. We love

this union and we will make it better.

Vote [1] Activate to Activate your Union!

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Claudia Gallois

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Activate is here to represent students that other tickets can’t or won’t. We believe in the need for collectives to influence the decisions that impact them, and the agency of the individuals in those collectives.

Vote [1] Activate to Activate your Union!

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Lia Vassiliadis

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Left Focus are progressive activists who will represent students against attacks on our education. We will be a voice on students’ council that pushes for campaigns against the Liberal Party’s attacks on our education, on refugees, oppressed groups, and against the universities cuts to courses and face-to-face teaching. We will fight for an extension of the tram zone and for a refugee scholarship. We need an activist student union committed to social justice! Vote [1] Left Focus!

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Jade Eckhaus

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Left Focus are progressive activists who will represent students against attacks on our education. We will be a voice on students’ council that pushes for campaigns against the Liberal Party’s attacks on our education, on refugees, oppressed groups, and against the universities cuts to courses and face-to-face teaching. We will fight for an extension of the tram zone and for a refugee scholarship. We need an activist student union committed to social justice! Vote [1] Left Focus!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Nick Reich

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Left Focus are progressive activists who will represent students against attacks on our education. We will be a voice on students’ council that pushes for campaigns against the Liberal Party’s attacks on our education, on refugees, oppressed groups, and against the universities cuts to courses and face-to-face teaching. We will fight for an extension of the tram zone and for a refugee scholarship. We need an activist student union committed to social justice! Vote [1] Left Focus!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Mairie Sullivan

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Left Focus are progressive activists who will represent students against attacks on our education. We will be a voice on students’ council that pushes for campaigns against the Liberal Party’s attacks on our education, on refugees, oppressed groups, and against the universities cuts to courses and face-to-face teaching. We will fight for an extension of the tram zone and for a refugee scholarship. We need an activist student union committed to social justice! Vote [1] Left Focus!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Left Focus »

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

Anna Morrison

Ticket: Cheaper Textbooks
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Jesse Paris-Jourdan

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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I’m Jesse. For two years I’ve been a Farrago campus reporter, subeditor and Radio Fodder host. I never thought I’d be writing a candidate statement for Students’ Council. But I believe in Independent Media as an alternative to student politics. We are internally democratic, transparent, and most importantly, independent. We do more than any other ticket to engage and inform students through the magazine, radio and video. What’s more, we make rad, beautiful content in the process. I’ll work for a Council that supports Farrago, protecting its writers’ and artists’ freedom of expression and fostering creativity.

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Claire Miller

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, my name is Claire Miller and I’m a Farrago campus reporter and contributor. Both in print and online, Farrago and Radio Fodder are an amazing opportunities for all students to gain and cultivate skills and express themselves. Independent Media has worked tirelessly to ensure that Farrago and Radio Fodder are inclusive and progressive platforms for the student community. If elected to council I will work to ensure that the the creative integrity of Farrago and it’s commitment to an equal representation and opportunities for students.

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Trung Le

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, I’m Trung Le and I study screenwriting at the VCA. Student media has given me a voice to share and create content that reflects my identity. Farrago and Radio Fodder has both given me that platform and the chance to grow creatively. As a queer person of colour, I am committed to bringing diversity and opportunity to those who aren’t usually heard. Greater representation of minorities and sharing creative power with the Southbank campus is what I hope to bring. Because I believe that everyone has a story in their heart and that someone would love to hear.

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Jack Musgrave

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey, hi, G’day, I’m Jack Francis Musgrave and I’m here to help! As a student media activist and professional arguer, I feel like a place on the student council would work for me. A real fighter. A true bloody larrikin. Once coached a year 7 girls debating team to the semi-finals. Not afraid to joke, but shockingly serious behind that seemingly uncaring veneer. Clearly the one for the Council. Vote me.

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Monique O’Rafferty

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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My time as a social media officer for the Media Office has been the most valuable experience of my time at Uni, allowing me to access a wealth of skills and knowledge. I spend so much time getting involved that I consider myself a permanent fixture, like a nice piece of wall art or a loveable cat. In 2017, I would love to maintain the same level of acceptance I was given, and for diversity to be a top priority within the Student Council. The media office’s interests are mine too, and I’d love for them to be known.

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Peter Tzimos

Ticket: Independent Media
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi I’m Peter, and I’m an over-zealous Farrago contributor and reporter for your student magazine, Farrago. I’ve written about many campus issues that affect students, and I see Farrago as the best way to keep your voices heard. As a representative of Independent Media, I would make sure students will always have a place to express their opinions and creativity, and feel welcomed in the diversity of our Media Office. If elected to the Student Council I would work hard to maintain the high standard produced by your peers, as well as continue to ensure its accessibility to all students.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Independent Media »

Jamiel Sabbagh

Ticket: Halal Snack Pack
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Students should never have to walk more than 100m from any given point on campus to find a 8+/10 Halal Snack Pack. That is our pledge.

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Tamara Hunt

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi, my name’s Tamara, and I’m running for reelection to Student’s Council. I’ve served for one term already, so I know I can bring a great amount of experience, knowledge, and aptitude to the role. I think that an effective Students’ Council is essential to making sure that the Student Union runs efficiently and is accountable and transparent in its expenditure. In many ways, it is the most important part of the Union. I’ve loved being on Students’ Council, and would love the opportunity to serve for another term.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Katherine Nikolaou

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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In my almost two years at Melbourne, I have already had the great pleasure of being a part of the clubs community and volunteering for the VCE Summer School, which are just two of the many UMSU supported programs which I believe truly enrich the University experience. As a candidate for More! I am seeking re-election for Students’ Council to continue to work to ensure that UMSU’s budget and energy goes back to clubs, activities and volunteer programs which are accessible and engaging to all students. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Matthew Lagamba

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Through countless cappuccinos, late nights, missed lectures and beard growth my relationship with the University of Melbourne has grown over the past two years of my degree. Whilst the University provides us all with a wealth of opportunity, it is at times clear that the institution is plagued with a variety of institutional issues. I am seeking a position on the Student’s Council not only to represent bearded people but to focus on representing the entire student population in regards to issues that affect us all – specifically issues relating to student welfare and equity. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Gavin Wayne Sittampalam

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hello! My name is Gavin and I am a third year medical student running for UMSU Students’ Council. Throughout my six years of study, UMSU has played a key role in my enjoyment and success at Melbourne. Through the people that I have met, the experiences that I have had, or the services I have received, UMSU has been a force for good in my university life. I am running for students’ council to ensure future students have the same, if not better university experience than what I had

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Rachael Davies

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hi! My name’s Rachael and I am a first year Arts student! I’m very excited to get involved in student representation by putting my name forward to Students’ Council. I see UMSU as a great platform for making real changes that impact the lives of students on campus. I feel that my range of life experiences qualify me to faithfully serve a broad portion of that student body! I’m looking forward to the chance to make a positive difference.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Vinu Gunetilleke

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey ya’l, I am a new face in the student elections this year, but fear-not, I have survived almost 3 glorious years as an international student from Sri Lanka. I have been a many-faced warrior in most charity clubs and societies. Getting to the point, I am running for the Students’ Council with the one and only, amazing MORE! 80 words aren’t enough to let it all out!
Let me tell you all about what I/we can promise you and what I/we can do, be sure to let us stall you for a few minutes in the weeks to come.

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Louis Devine

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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As a first year student, I am seeking a position on Student’s Council so that I can better understand the role of the Student Union and how it operates to achieve the best outcomes for students. Using this new understanding, I will strive to ensure that everything I do in my role reflects my goals of greater transparency over how student money is spent, and that it is spent in a way which maximizes the student experience at Melbourne. I also believe it is crucial that UMSU engage a higher percentage of the study body in election times, so that the turnout

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Madison Mooney

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Isabelle Knight

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Kasey Lancaster

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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Hey! I’m Isabelle Knight, and I’m very excited to be running for Students’ Council. I’m in my fifth year of study at the University of Melbourne, which gives me a solid platform of experience I hope to bring to the table as a Councillor! I’m particularly passionate about women’s representation and promoting creative writing and the creative arts on campus. I’m looking forward to contributing my own creative ideas to the discussions and decisions of our union.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Daniel Dawood

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Megan Liew

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Alex Dalla-Riva

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Christopher Kounelis

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Marcus Sultani

Ticket: More Beer
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

No policy statement supplied.

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Akira Boardman

Ticket: Smore!
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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HI!!! Im running for council with the almighty Smore team! I have been kicking around the traps of MelbUnzz for three years now. I have a lot of active involvement in a range of clubs, which means I’m READY to represent students! There’s just tooo much infighting in UMSU, and I’m sick of it! I believe that it is us, the students, who should decide who represents us, not a bunch of people in a room stiching up UMSU with hacky deals!! Vote for me to ensure you’re voice is heard and not just left behind in an unread email!

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Alastair Gustav James

Ticket: Students Against Hanson
Running for: Students’ Council General Representatives

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In the 90s, when extreme racist Pauline Hanson came to Melbourne, thousands of students came together to rally and drive her out of town. With Hanson back in the Senate, racists are feeling confident – Islamophobic graffiti has already been found on our campus. We want to see the student union helping to build a campaign that stands up to racism to push the racists back. Vote [1] Students Against Hanson to see fighters against racism in our student union.

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Jordan Peters

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council Queer Representative

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My name’s Jordan and I’m a second year arts student studying politics with a DipLang in German. I am eager to join Students’ Council as a queer representative as I believe it’s important for everybody’s voice to be heard, no matter their gender identity or sexuality. My being queer has informed so many aspects of my life – from the connections I’ve made to the opportunities I’ve been given – and I would bring this experience to help ensure a cohesive, transparent decision making process and to make this uni an even better place to be!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Jade Eckhaus

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Students’ Council Queer Representative

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Hi, I’m Jade! I’ve been actively involved in the campaign for equal marriage rights and with the campaign to defend the Safe Schools Coalition from right-wing attacks. Left Focus will improve campus culture and challenge queerphobia in wider society. Campaigns like the marriage equality rallies where thousands of people come out onto the street to protest homophobia is the kind of thing I would like to see more of.

If you think we need a union that takes queer issues seriously and actually represents queer students on campus, challenging legislation that harms queer students, then Vote [1] Left Focus.

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Daniel Beratis

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council Queer Representative

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Hi, I’m Daniel, and I believe in a union that serves everyone and includes everyone. As a gay man, I think it’s vitally important that the needs of the queer community be included in Students’ Council, and that’s what I’m running to do: include the queer community and make sure our needs have a voice at the table. With your help, I’ll make sure to fight for inclusivity in the student union, and make sure that nobody’s voice in our community gets silenced. I’m here for more. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Yi Ding

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Students’ Council Queer Representative

No policy statement supplied.

Alex Su

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council International Representative

No policy statement supplied.

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Tiffany Chui

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council International Representative

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Hi! I’m Tiff and I‘m a Chinese international Bachelor of Arts student. It is important to me that all students have the right to express their needs and concerns at university. Although international students make up a large part of the student body, I feel that we are extremely underrepresented at all levels at University. As International Student Representative, I wish to bring attention to challenges that face international students studying at Melbourne University, such as poor working conditions, high transport fees and inadequate academic support.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Danmei Ren

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council International Representative

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Hi! My name is Danmei and I’m really excited to be running for International Students’ Representative of Students’ Council with Stand Up! This position is a vital communication channel in the Student Union, ensuring international students have a voice for their concerns. I will work to foster greater collaboration between UMSU and UMSU international and work to bring together domestic and international students. Vote 1 Stand Up!

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Virginia Holdenson

Ticket: Create
Running for: Students’ Council Graduate Representative

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Students’ Council Graduate Representative

No policy statement supplied.

Salimeh Javadian

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council Graduate Representative

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My name is Salimeh Javadian but everyone calls me Sadaf. I would like to become a Graduate student representative to help UMSU and GSA work more closely and cooperatively. I will be a responsive, accessible and active representative for Graduate Students. I was a Volunteer at the Society for the Protection of Working & Street children in Iran (my homecountry) for 2 years(2011-2012). I was also responsible for humanitarian projects supporting afghan refugees in Iran.

I also want to be involved in non academic activities in university and to meet more people from different backgrounds.Vote 1 Stand Up!

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Jacob Rodrigo

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council Graduate Representative

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If you’re reading this candidate statement, then you care about graduate representation on the UMSU Students Council.

So do I: that’s why I’m running. Vote for me, Jacob Rodrigo, for Graduate Representative on Students Council.

Good chat.

P.S. If you care about things like experience (I’m the incumbent) and vision (my goal is to improve our relationship with the GSA and other graduate societies) I have that too. Message me if you need convincing: 0403 851 200.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Kim Duong

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council Student of Colour Representative

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Hi, I’m Kim. I’m a second year arts student and I’m running for Person of Colour rep on Students Council. I’m doing so because as a person of colour with migrant parents, I understand the difficulties people of colour face at university. I’m passionate about education and ensuring that it’s accessible for all people regardless of background. I will be a progressive and constructive member of council who will seek to break down barriers that exist in our uni. If you want great representation from someone who gets it, I would love your support! Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Darren Wong

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council Student of Colour Representative

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Hey everybody, I’m Darren and I’m running to be your People of Colour Representative on Students’ Council. I’m currently the Vice President of Chess Club and the Secretary of Melbourne International Relations Society, and really enjoy participating in all the great clubs and activities available at university. I want every student to able to experience an amazing and inclusive university life, and I’m running for Council to help achieve this. I believe I can represent all your different interests to ensure that your time at this University is the best that it could be.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Xavier Boffa

Ticket: Create
Running for: University of Melbourne Council

No policy statement supplied.

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Yi Ding

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: University of Melbourne Council

No policy statement supplied.

Tyson Holloway-Clarke

Ticket: The Biggest Blackest Ticket
Running for: University of Melbourne Council

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University Council needs well informed, deeply experienced and fiercely independent student representatives and I believe I embody those characteristics. As former Indigenous Office Bearer and President of UMSU, I am committed to working much more closely with both UMSU student representatives and staff to champions the needs of students. In my view it is imperative that the University backs up its commitments on sustainability and delivers both on divestment from the fossil fuel industry and more sustainable practices across the board. Additionally, we must take full stock and consideration of the ramifications of the ongoing changes to the University facilities

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: University of Melbourne Council

No policy statement supplied.

Yi Ding

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: MU Student Union Ltd Board

No policy statement supplied.

Caleb Triscari

Ticket: More!
Running for: MU Student Union Ltd Board

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MUSUL aims to provide commercial services to students, and I want to make sure it does it right.

As an UMSU office bearer, my work relies heavily on the performance of MUSUL. I know what works and what doesn’t work to ensure all students are truly represented by their union. As a club president, I know how much student groups rely on MUSUL to facilitate social events.

If I’m elected, you’ll be putting your faith in an experienced member of the student community who’ll bring the needs of students and clubs to the board.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: MU Student Union Ltd Board

No policy statement supplied.

Louka Ewington-Pitsos

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: MU Student Union Ltd Board

No policy statement supplied.

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Callum O’Dowd

Ticket: Create
Running for: MU Student Union Ltd Board

No policy statement supplied.

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Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Samuel James Perkins

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Kerrison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Sherry Zhang

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Hi, I’m Sherry and I am a second year environments student running for the Activities Committee. Social events have always been the highlight of my university experience. Not only do I feel included, but they also allow me to establish a balanced relationship between work and leisure, which is a crucial aspect in optimising your positive experience in university. As a committee member of the Environments Student Society, I have confidence in my skills to facilitate UMSU events and would be thrilled to contribute to one of the most important aspects of university life!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Declan McGonigle

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Stand Up! believes in an active and progressive union. UMSU is here to represent all University of Melbourne students, and provides services and advocacy support to ensure that students like you are able to have an inclusive experience on campus. The Activities Department is an important part of UMSU, and runs a large number of events for students to provide a sense of campus community. I am running for Activities Committee because I believe in strong student representation.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Mukhtar Nazari

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Hi, I’m Mukhtar and I’ve been heavily involved in UMSU this year through different clubs and the Welfare Department. Aside from this, one of the things that has helped me get so involved in the student union is attending events held by the Activities department, such as the Tuesday BBQs. I’m passionate about having a strong sense of inclusion across campus, and if elected to Activities Committee I will ensure that UMSU continues to facilitate involvement and inclusion through a range of events that cater to different needs and interests.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Louka Ewington-Pitsos

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lachaln Paterson

Ticket: More Beer
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Jacob Sacher

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Hi friends (and foes).
The past few years have seen me crazily involved with student life. I’ve been president or on the exec of a bunch of clubs, including President and Secretary of a theatre club, the Mudcrabs. This allowed me to help set up and run two weekly comedy shows, Rowdy Laughter and Basement comedy. My number 1 priority, is more fun for students, be that more clubs, more activities or more comedy, and if you feel that way too I’d encourage you to join me in voting More!

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Daniel Sango

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Hey hey everyone, Daniel here, and I’m running for a position on the Activities Committee! Having been the Treasurer and now Secretary Welfare officer for the Arts Society (M-ASS) I believe my experience in organising events and my unique blend of humor and maturity are vital to ensuring another year of brilliant UMSU events. I’ve also been a part of Destination Melbourne and VCESS and have a knack for turning any situation into an incredible opportunity. Vote More!

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Abella Man

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Committee

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Hey all, I’m Abella, and as a biomed student I obviously enjoy attending and throwing mad parties. Who am I kidding, I enjoy staying at home being a couch potato, I mean studying. But in all seriousness, I love organising great events where everyone is involved and has a good time. I would definitely appreciate your support, so that I can help you all have an amazing experience at future uni events.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Lucinda Hayes

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Committee

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I am running for activities committee because I love the University and I am passionate about bringing students together to socialise. Every one of us should have access to a safe and comfortable environment in which we can spend time and I am dedicated to helping create it! I hope to bring experience working with the activities committee in organising and running events, as well as efficiency and time management. I really just want people to have the best possible university experience!

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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David Lynch

Ticket: More!
Running for: Activities Committee

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I think I’d be good as a person on activities committee for these reasons. I’m fairly open to new ideas whilst still respecting old traditions set in place. I’m fairly organised when it comes to work and like to get things done as quickly as I possibly can. I have proven myself to be reliable whilst doing work for the Melbourne University Engineering Students club such as consistently helping out with every event, organising lockers and helping out others when they are unable to do their own jobs. Thanks.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Alex Dalla-Riva

Ticket: Create
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Matthew Sultani

Ticket: Create
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Julian Mathai

Ticket: Create
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Tristan Layton

Ticket: Create
Running for: Activities Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Sabljak

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Samuel James Perkins

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Kerrison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Thariq Willoughby

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Tom Crowley

Ticket: More!
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

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Hey there! I’m running for creative arts committee because I’m passionate about supporting students’ creative flourishing on campus. I’m a muso, but also a drama lover. I’m very excited to be running in a Mudfest year, and looking forward to helping out with preparation and logistics. I’m hoping my experience as a former Office Bearer will come in handy with that. More than anything, I’m just excited to get involved!

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Isabelle Knight

Ticket: More!
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

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My name is Isabelle and I’d like to be a part of the Creative Arts committee. I’d love to not only support performers, writers, and artists in their creative endeavours, but better engage those who might enjoy their work. I believe that the creation and consumption of art is its own reward and that greater appreciation of the arts helps us reach a better understanding of the communities we live in. If elected to this committee, I will work to assist the OBs in a mudfest year and do everything I can do to support creative people on campus.

Vote More!

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Corey Mathrick

Ticket: Create
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Karla Livingstone-Pardu

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

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I’m majoring in English and Theatre Studies and Art History and am passionate about both performance and visual arts. Having become involved in the student theatre community at uni this year, I have seen the ways in which the union can support and and foster the fantastic talent of students to make great art. I am passionate about supporting original works, and believe strongly in the importance of student theatre and art. I’m excited about the idea of being involved in the upcoming mudfest year, and hope to help the continued support of student-made art.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Jordan Peters

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

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I’m running for Creative Arts committee because the department has played a major role in my uni experience, creative expression and social life. Throughout the past two years I’ve been heavily involved in theatre at unimelb, being part of the cast and crew for shows for an array of student theatre groups. I’ve held the position of Artistic Director of the University of Melbourne Music Theatre Association this year, where I’ve helped realign the company’s priorities to focus attention and funds towards broadening our accessibility- a real passion of mine that I would hope to bring to Creative Arts committee.

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Kasra Reja

Ticket: Create
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Claire Miller

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Creative Arts Committee

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Hi I’m Claire Miller, I’m a second year and during my time at Melbourne Uni I’ve been involved in student theatre, MUDfest and participated in Creative Arts workshop. Creative Arts is a safe, inclusive and progressive area for students to explore and nurture their creativity. If elected to council I will work to ensure that Creative Arts remains an exciting and welcoming department where students’ exploration and creativity can be developed and encouraged. Vote 1 Stand Up!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Akira Boardman

Ticket: Smore!
Running for: Education Committee

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Meetings are fun. Meetings are great. Unlike a protest, meetings look real good on your resume. Meetings are the life blood of the Universities corporate structure. They’re a great opportunity to network and talk over women. There’s nothing more productive than a 15 person meeting. I’ve had a great deal of personal experience of being the only woman in the room and sitting around for 4 hours and getting no where. My pledge is to push for a meritocratic system where I determine the best people for the job.

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Thariq Willoughby

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Melinda Suter

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey! I’m Melinda and I’m running for UMSU Education Committee with Stand Up! In an environment where University cuts have become a regular and ongoing occurrence now is more important than ever to have an active Education Department in UMSU. Having been involved in the department this year I’m strong motivated to get even more involved and take the fight to the government and University.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Conor Clements

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hello! My name is Conor. I’m a first year Bachelor of Arts student, and I’m running for Education Committee in 2017. I want to get more involved in the campaigns and activities of the Education department, who have been great at highlighting the issues that matter to students of all walks of life, and committees seem like a brilliant place to start. I’ve had great experiences in student activism over the course of this year, and I think that I’ll be able to bring new ideas and enthusiasm to the committee and to the office bearers.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Mukhtar Nazari

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hi I’m Mukhtar and I believe that education is a right not a privilege. With your support I hope to ensure that equity and equal access to education are at the forefront of UMSU’s campaigns. I believe that an active and engaging education department is vital for building momentum to fighting the Liberal government’s attacks on our education and Stand Up! will continue to lead this campaign in 2017.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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James Bashford

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

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This year I’ve been concerned at the growing drift of some aspects of the Education Department and this would be a priority for me to address if elected to committee. SRN meetings this year have been irregular and often called with little notice, making them difficult to attend for many members. The SRN has also lacked an intersectional, accessible or consultative approach, particularly in regards to students from marginalised groups. While students face ever-growing equity issues and new threats from Cadmus and the FlexAP, the SRN must become more active, functional and relevant.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Jesse Krause

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey, I’m Jesse and I’m running for a position on the Education Committee because education is one of the most important aspects of maintaining our future. We need education, and it’s my belief that everybody deserves the right to a fair and quality education no matter who they are or where they come from. Our government threatens to decimate the higher education sector with each passing day, and it is pivotal that passionate young voices are heard on these issues. We deserve excellence and stability in our education, and UMSU should be fighting for nothing less.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Jacinta Dowe

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Robin Wang

Ticket: More Pokémon Go on Campus
Running for: Education Committee

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Hi, I’m Robin, and I believe we need a strong voice for Pokémon Go! Players in UMSU. For too long those that would see our voices silenced have pulled the levers of power on campus.

This has to stop.

If elected I will be a strong voice on Students’ Council representing the rights of our community, and will push back against any further updates that will threaten students’ ability to catch and train. Vote for me and I will push for an extra gym at Union House, and a student Union that’s prepared to demand More Pokéstops on campus!

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Samuel James Perkins

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Kerrison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Jade Eckhaus

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lia Vassiliadis

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Jeremy Gibson

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Audrey Whybrow

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: Education Committee

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Left Focus are education activists committed to defending students against attacks on our education – we have already organized campaigns involving thousands of students. Now that the university wants to change the way we experience university, so they can make more money out students, there’s never been a more important time for activists to be in the union, fighting for education. For a student union that will fight the Liberal Party and the university’s cuts to courses and student welfare, Vote [1] Left Focus!

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Liam Gallagher

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Levi West

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Matthew Carlei

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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James Sutherland

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Andrew Masanauskas

Ticket: Create
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Kasey Lancaster

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey hey, I’m Kasey and I’m running for a spot on the education committee because I love learning! Seriously! However, I understand that we all learn differently, and that uni has a habit of disrupting real life. I want to ensure that uni is an accommodative and flexible academic experience for all. As a lefty I’m also committed to voicing students’ concerns about cruel education policies of the Abbott-Turnbull government. My firm belief in these principles, and in cooperation, will allow me to make a valuable contribution to an active UMSU Education, and I would greatly appreciate your support.

Vote More!

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Alexander Goulsbra

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Committee

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I am a passionate enthusiast for helping people get the most out of their time at university. That’s what helped me become the Education Officer of the Science Students’ Society, and grounded my current role as a Student Advisor that converses with students from multiple universities every day. I hope to bring the skills I have acquired through these roles to the UMSU Education Committee, use them to gain more knowledge in how to provide better services for students and bring about more positive educational experiences for my fellow peers during their time here. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Jana Chalhoub

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey! I’m Jana and I’m currently studying Mathematics and Economics. I’m running for a spot on the Education committee simply because education is a cause that tugs at my heart. My previous work experience at Melbourne Uni and my role on the Student Representative Network means that I’m quite familiar with the inner working of the university and its policies. I care very deeply about promoting education equality. Education is the greatest equalizer. I care about innovation of curriculum and as a female studying maths, I care about encouraging and supporting the ladies to pursue STEM based disciplines. I will be committed

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Michael Manoussakis

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey everyone! I’m running for the education committee because I am passionate about the education of our young people, and I believe in the ability of students to make a real and meaningful impact on the world. As a student who came to the University of Melbourne from an under-represented school, I strongly believe that all people have the right to equal and accessible education. I am committed to improving the lives of and opportunities available to all students and I believe that involvement in UMSU committees provides an unrivaled opportunity to act as an agent of change in the student community

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Katherine Polazzon

Ticket: More!
Running for: Education Committee

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Hey there! I’m Katherine and I’m a second year Arts student. I’m running for a position on the Education Committee because I think that it’s important to constantly demand more from our University to secure a quality education and to maintain a high standard of teaching and learning at Melbourne. On the Education Committee, I’d advocate for an expansion of the CounterCourse handbook to aid students in subject selection, better Internet access on campus and more transparency and notice with LMS issues/works. If any of this resonates with you, I’d love to have your support.

Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Michael Sabljak

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Education Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Louka Ewington-Pitsos

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lara Wiesel

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Aoife Nicklason

Ticket: Activate
Running for: Environment Committee

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Activate is synonymous with activism. As the grassroots left, we stand against those whose interests run counter to the interests of students, whether through getting the word out, protesting on campus or even locking onto the administration building.

Vote [1] Activate to Activate your Union!

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Jamiel Sabbagh

Ticket: Halal Snack Pack
Running for: Environment Committee

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Students should never have to walk more than 100m from any given point on campus to find a 8+/10 Halal Snack Pack. That is our pledge.

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Ky My Du

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Environment Committee

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Hey all, my name is My Ky and I am running for a position on the Enviro Committee. I am currently a third-year Bachelor of Arts student, majoring in politics and international studies. During my student career, I have been quite involved with campus happenings – i.e. Being the active treasurer of the Animal Protection Society and former director of the Oaktree Club. That being said, I am particularly concerned about issues of environmental sustainability – especially across the intersections of animal ethics and social justice.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Lucy Maeve Turton

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Environment Committee

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Hi I’m Lucy! I’m an Arts student here who has been actively involved in the Fossil Free MU campaign over the last two years. It has been an amazing experience to meet like minded students who care passionately about the future of our planet. I aim to have a strong voice on Environment Committee advocating for the University to divest from fossil fuel. Young people are leading the conversation about stopping climate change. This university needs to be ethical and sustainable, to provide for future generations of students to come.

Vote [1] Stand Up! For an environmental activist UMSU!

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Areti (Ari) Sikavitsas

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Environment Committee

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Hi I’m Areti and I’m running for environment committee. Ive always had a passion for sustainability and fossil free divestment. I want to see a clean energy future that protescts our planet and its natural resources. The environment department has been actively involved in the campaign to get the university to commit to not invest in fossil fuels and I believe that this campaign is an important step forward in the fight to protect our natural resources. Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Samuel James Perkins

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Kerrison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Tristan Layton

Ticket: Create
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Andrew Masanauskas

Ticket: Create
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Matthew Carlei

Ticket: Create
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Levi West

Ticket: Create
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Lachlan Blain

Ticket: More!
Running for: Environment Committee

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Climate change is perhaps the most pressing issue facing our generation. Our response to this challenge will shape not just our future, but the future of generations to come. I’m running for environment committee because I believe that our university and union must continue to become more sustainable, because I believe that we need to involve as many students as possible, and because I believe that together we can make a difference.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Michael Manoussakis

Ticket: More!
Running for: Environment Committee

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Hey everyone (again)! So as a Science student with a passion for Chemistry and the Life Sciences, I strongly believe that the protection of the Earth and its environment is the defining issue of our generation. The University of Melbourne is in an incredibly influential position in the climate debate, and I see it as my responsibility to voice the concerns of its students and ensure that environmental sustainability is an issue of utmost importance. To me, a position on the Environment Committee is an opportunity to contribute to this global effort and to influence greater change.

Vote More! More active.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Environment Committee

No policy statement supplied.

Desiree Cai

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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I’m Desiree and I’m a first year Arts student. I think it’s so important that we have representation for people of colour on campus. The establishment of the People of Colour department for the first time this year is very exciting and so significant in terms of representation and diversity within UMSU. I would love to be a part of this committee because I want to ensure that the department gets a running start in its first year and that in doing so, the diverse needs and experiences of students from different backgrounds will be heard.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Darren Wong

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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I’m Darren and I’m running for People of Colour Committee as I believe that students of colour deserve proper representation on campus. Throughout my time on campus, I’ve been heavily involved in a variety of clubs and organisations and I believe that students from all backgrounds should be able to experience an inclusive university life. I would like to serve on the People of Colour Committee so that I can help the department become valuable advocacy and support mechanism for students of colour.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Kareena Dhaliwal

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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I’m a third year arts student majoring in creative writing. The formation of a People of Colour department is an exciting and hugely significant move. Many people think racism in Australia has gotten better. This is technically true, in that people in Australia have developed new and improved ways of being racist. This requires new and improved ways of combating racism and promoting understanding while supporting students of colour, which I am committed to doing through the People of Colour committee.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Zena Zhang

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Nishka Pinto

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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The University of Melbourne is lucky to have a flourishing number of students of colour. I’m sure that if asked whether racism was a problem on campus, many students would reply with “I didn’t know we had racism”. However, racial discrimination is a pervasive and often overlooked issue. From inadvertent offensive “banter” (which I am guilty of) to casual prejudices, discrimination is an everyday reality – a reality we’re often reluctant to discuss. By removing the silence around race, I aim to work towards confronting racism head-on.

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Bill (Yao) Cai

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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Ayaan Qani

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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Michael Xing

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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Hi there! As a student from an immigrant background, I understand what it’s like to have to straddle life across very different cultures. While Australia’s diversity gives reason to be proud, we still have progress to make when it comes to confronting racism – subtle and overt – that hurts our multicultural community and degrades our society.

As we face threats like Pauline Hanson, advocating for tolerance and understanding is now more important than ever. If elected to the Person of Colour committee, this is exactly what I will do and be an unwavering voice for.

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Angela Keyte

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Joshua Rose

Ticket: More!
Running for: People of Colour Committee

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I’m the son of Guyanese parents who came to Australia on student scholarships and stayed as they fell in love with the country and began promising careers. Their experience studying in Australia was rewarding but wasn’t always pleasant. Persistent racism affected their studies, however, they persevered so that people like my sisters and I could attend university and face fewer barriers. However there are still hurdles left to overcome. In this role I want to help future generations run a little faster and jump a little higher.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about students.

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Louka Ewington-Pitsos

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

Christopher Kounelis

Ticket: Create
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Liam Gallagher

Ticket: Create
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Julian Mathai

Ticket: Create
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Matthew Sultani

Ticket: Create
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Callum O’Dowd

Ticket: Create
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Alice Smith

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi, I’m Alice and I’m a first year Arts student running for the Welfare Committee. I became involved with UMSU this year through the Welfare and Women’s Department. I believe Welfare is an integral part of our union, and provides valuable resources and assistance to students in need. Students’ wellbeing is crucial to their capacity to achieve academically at University, and if elected to Welfare Committee I will be a passionate advocate for students. We need to increase awareness of the services provided by the department, to ensure everybody has equal access and opportunities at University.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nguyen Hoa My

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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I would like to be in the Welfare Committee because I care deeply for the welfare of the students. During my first semester in University, I have been involved in various Welfare activities: Thursday Breakfast, Monday Mingle, Monday Conversation Partners and Welfare Collective. Having taking part in those activities, I would like to be a channel between the Office Bearers and the students body so UMSU Welfare can do their best to cater to the needs of all students.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Stephanie Kee

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi, I’m Stephanie and I’m currently in my second year of an Arts degree. I’ve been involved with a number of clubs and departments under UMSU since my first day at University, and I would love to be further engaged with the issues that concern us all as students. I stand for inclusivity and accountability, and will work to make sure that our student union truly represents the needs of our diverse student body. Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Caitlin Verlinden

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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I’m Caitlin and I’m running for Welfare Committee. I’m currently a volunteer with the Welfare Department, which has become a hugely rewarding and vital part of my university experience. I strongly believe that the experience of every student at the university should be a positive one, and would like to work towards addressing some of the issues on campus that can negatively impact on students. I would love to be able to contribute more effectively to the many events and services provided, as well ensuring that the Welfare Department continues to meet the needs of students.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Jordan Peters

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Student welfare is a big priority for Stand Up! and I’m running for election to Welfare Committee because I care about equal access for students. Students should be able to study at the University of Melbourne without discrimination or marginalisation, and with the support of UMSU and the Welfare Department. If elected to Welfare Committee, I will ensure that the department continues to provide services and advocacy on behalf of students.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nitin Aggarwal

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Welfare is not just about providing a high level of well-being and social support for students, but also making sure all students enjoy a second to none welfare experience while studying at Unimelb. I will work for more 24 hour study spaces, so that everyone can stay and study till late. We aim to improve your student experience, including running inclusive, healthy activities and providing greater support during exam periods and other stressful periods throughout the university year. We are absolutely dedicated to standing up for your welfare and wellbeing.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Yi Ding

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

Akira Boardman

Ticket: Smore!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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I believe in additional activities in the welfare department. It just needs more! I think also the Welfare department would deeply benefit from providing students with free Smores every day. Smores are really popular amongst students. Some people don’t even know what a smore is! Well, a s’more (sometimes spelled smore) is a traditional nighttime campfire treat popular in the United States and Canada, consisting of a fire-roasted marshmallow and a layer of chocolate sandwiched between two pieces of graham cracker. Vote 1 Smore for more Smores!

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Nathan Bachetti

Ticket: Liberal
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Bhatti

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi my name is Michael and I’m running for the Welfare Committee because I am passionate about enhancing the wellbeing of all students at the University. I have been involved at UMSU to varying degrees, most recently, as a the Mentoring Director that helps first year students transitioning into university in their first year. I am passionate and committed to the welfare of students throughout their university experience. With the pressure that comes from studying at melbourne university,

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Tamara Hunt

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi, my name’s Tamara, and I’m nominating to be on Welfare Committee because I believe passionately that UMSU’s Welfare Department is one of the most important Departments of the Student Union: the importance of student health, wellbeing, and happiness is often underestimated, but it is so important that we do everything we can within the Student Union to make sure every student feels welcome and happy in this university and can make the most of their time here. I would love the opportunity to be a part of Welfare Committee.

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Meghan Shaw

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi I’m Meghan and I’d love to be a member of the Welfare Committee in 2017!
This year I have been the Secretary of the Science Students Society (SSS), where I have helped students who may have been nervous and stressed out about Uni work through all of the activities we organise from free BBQ’s to party nights. The skills I have developed will transfer well to the welfare committee, which plays such a crucial role in helping students cope with the stress of University.

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Zachary Power

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

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Hi, I’m Zac. I am a Bachelor of Arts student and current UMSU Environment Officer. I am running for welfare committee because I believe strong representation of student welfare issues should be a core function of UMSU. I understand effective advocacy in this area can be challenging for UMSU, and would seek to support the department’s capacity. I also understand the welfare department has an important role to play in delivering services and resources for students that improve accessibility to university education. I would appreciate your support. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Priyanka Ajit

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Emily Roberts

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Michael Xing

Ticket: More!
Running for: Welfare Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Kareena Dhaliwal

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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I’m a third year arts student majoring in creative writing. The women’s room is an important space that has fostered wonderful, supportive communities for women-identifying students at the university. I’d like to be on Women’s Committee to assist with running this space. Women in higher education experience sexism in many forms, from overt to subtle. It’s important to combat this through workshops and support groups with a focus on intersectionality, and break down people’s reluctance to feminism. As Emma Watson said in her UN speech, “fear of a name only increases fear of a thing itself.”

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Molly Willmott

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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I’m Molly, a first year Bachelor of Arts student. It’s no secret that femme-identifying people at Melbourne share a unique set of challenges that deserve recognition. Because of this, I would like to run for Women’s Committee, as I have seen how influential the department has been in fighting for a campus culture of safety, equality and accessibility for all women. As a part of this committee, and a voice for the women of this university, I would continue to fight for this culture and promote equality in the rights and opportunities of all women.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Areti (Ari) Sikavitsas

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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The women’s room is an important space that has fostered wonderful, supportive communities for women-identifying students at the university. I’d like to be on Women’s Committee to assist with running this space. Women in higher education experience sexism in many forms, from overt to subtle. I want to be part of the team combatting this through workshops and support groups with a focus on intersectionality.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Mariam Ghulam Abas

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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The women’s room has provided me relief from all the crap that’s being said around uni about women, such as ‘Physics/Engineering apparently not being an area where women can specialize’ etc even though majority of students are actually women! It’s a place where we can talk about pretty much anything so I would like to be part of the committee to raise more awareness about the services provided to women students be it in relation to safety on campus or more safe spaces, so that women can interact without being judged for being who we are!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Nguyen Hoa My

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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I’m My and I’ve gotten involved in UMSU this year through attending events in the Women’s Room. I strongly believe in providing women with opportunities to excel at universities, especially since we make up more than 50% of the student body, and I think it’s important to encourage women to get involved and make our voices heard. If elected to Women’s Committee I will strive to make sure that UMSU remains intersectional and prioritises the voices and experiences of all women, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds and marginalised identities.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: Women’s Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Megan Liew

Ticket: Create
Running for: Women’s Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Alexandra Murrell

Ticket: Create
Running for: Women’s Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Rachael Davies

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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Hi, I’m Rachel and I’m running for Women’s Committee because I care deeply about the issues women face throughout society today and about promoting their advancement. This university, and its Women’s Department, has the potential to be a wonderful, progressive and inclusive space for all the women on our campus, and I am committed to realising that.

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Kim Duong

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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Hey, I’m Kim, and I’m really passionate about women’s representation on campus. It is so important that women on campus feel welcome and included, and the Women’s Department can play a vital role in this. I want to be a part of ensuring that women feel happy and safe at university, and that’s why I want to be on the Women’s Committee.

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LeiLei Zhang

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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Hi, I’m Zena and I’m running for Women’s Committee this year because I believe that there are many issues in society that women in particular face. I am passionate about feminism and believe the women’s department is extremely important in providing a safe environment for women in our university to state their opinions and inform others about women specific issues. I would like to encourage an intersectional way of looking at feminism.

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Katherine Polazzon

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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As an Arts student, I consult the ideas of long gone white men on the regular. And don’t get me wrong, they’ve got some great ideas. But I am also incredibly confident in the benefits of women’s engagement with the Higher Education sector and the contributions of our involvement. I think that the Women’s Department is a great source of support, information and events for women at the University and I would love to be able to contribute to this and ensure that we are empowered and supported in our University experience.

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Yen Jing Ni

Ticket: More!
Running for: Women’s Committee

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Hi, I’m Jing and I’m a third year Commerce student. I’m running for Women’s Committee because I believe that the Women’s Department needs to be representative of all women and hope that I can bring that to the department with my multilingual and multicultural background. This year, I have been actively involved in the department, and have seen it through constitutional changes that have made it more inclusive and diverse. I want to make sure that the department continues to be representative and believe that I have a lot of great ideas to contribute.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: Women’s Committee

No policy statement supplied.

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Callum O’Dowd

Ticket: Create
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Daniel Dawood

Ticket: Create
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Toby Wooldridge

Ticket: Create
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Ezgi Bridger

Ticket: Universal
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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David Vadori

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Hi, I’m David! I’m currently sleeping through a Bachelor of Arts. As your N.U.S candidate, I will advocate for a more inclusive and accountable student representative body. For many students, cost-of-living pressures are immense. If elected, I will fight to reduce student costs and place essential course materials and textbooks on HECS. Importantly, I firmly believe students deserve a genuine opportunity to participate in decision-making on campus. However, this inclusivity can only be achieved if we fight to make organisations like N.U.S more transparent and accessible. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Yan Zhuang

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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The National Union of Students is the highest organisation representing students on a national level, and NUS delegates play a central role in determining NUS’ policies and guiding its direction. And as one of the biggest universities in Australia, I believe that it’s vital that students at the University of Melbourne are able to see themselves represented in NUS. I want to ensure that NUS is held accountable to students, transparent in its internal operations and maintains a consistent and open relationship with UMSU.

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Zachary Power

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Hi, I’m Zac. I am an Arts student and a current UMSU Officer. I am running to be one of our University’s National Union of Students delegates because I believe the organisation needs to become a more representative and accountable national union. As students, we face many barriers to representation in our universities and in federal politics. We need an effective peak body focused on the issues that matter most for students such as accessible education, electoral participation, action on climate change, social security and the rights of young workers. Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Sinead Manning

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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The National Union of Students is a fundamental resource for students. It places pressure on governments and university administrations, ensuring students’ rights are not eroded. The NUS is capable of achieving real change in education policy.

As an NUS delegate, I will contribute to the fight against fee deregulation, cuts to university funding, and increases to student loan interest rates. I will also advocate for Melbourne University students, ensuring that our voices and unique concerns are heard at a national level.

With your vote, I will be an engaged, dedicated, and passionate NUS delegate.

Vote [1] More! More active. More

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Harry Adam

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Hello hello, my name is Harry and I’m running for NUS delegate because the NUS as it stands is a pretty flawed organisation. Currently dominated by groupings that perpetually fail to work together, I would be a stark voice of reason amongst the chaos. A peak student body is important but, I believe the NUS in its current form is failing students miserably, we need strong, independent voices in the organisation like mine, to achieve positive change for students. If you want to see a better NUS, I would love your support.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Daniel Lopez

Ticket: More!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Not many students have heard about the National Union of Students. Which is both good and bad. It’s a shame because student unionism is powerful and has the potential to improve the lives of students. Having said this, it’s probably a good thing not many people have heard of NUS because at present it’s a breeding ground for lacklustre people trying to be the largest fish in a tiny, forgotten pond. NUS is in need of independents, like me, that are there simply to represent the students that elected them.

Vote [1] More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

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Akira Boardman

Ticket: Smore!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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As a delegate for Smore! I promise I wont join or act with or observe of any other kinda things like that with other hack groups at national conference! At any time of votes and election things Ill just fill out my own ballot but I can totally give my votes over, but only to other melb uni delegates bcoz G08 G08 G08!!!! Vote 1 Smore to take the ‘union’ out of the National Union of Students!

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Dominic Cernaz

Ticket: Activate
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Hi I’m Dominic Cernaz and I’m running for NUS Delegate. The National Union of Students serves a vital role on representing all post secondary studies students. An important function is to campaign on tertiary education costs, recently, NUS has had huge success stopping fee deregulation. But NUS can be doing a better job and I want to be able to represent the students of Melbourne University at National Conference. Additionally, I want to make the environment a priority. I’m concerned about the future of the planet. NUS can do more do more to protect the environment. Vote [1] Activate.

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Anna Morrison

Ticket: Cheaper Textbooks
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Jade Eckhaus

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Left Focus supports the National Union of Students. We’ve been involved in its campaigns especially against the cuts to higher education. These campaigns, which involve thousands of students, show the role NUS can play in pushing back against the Liberal Party trying to destroy students’ lives. Vote [1] Left Focus for an activist student union committed to social justice!

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Lia Vassiliadis

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Left Focus supports the National Union of Students. We’ve been involved in its campaigns especially against the cuts to higher education. These campaigns, which involve thousands of students, show the role NUS can play in pushing back against the Liberal Party trying to destroy students’ lives. Vote [1] Left Focus for an activist student union committed to social justice!

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Monica Leng

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Left Focus supports the National Union of Students. We’ve been involved in its campaigns especially against the cuts to higher education. These campaigns, which involve thousands of students, show the role NUS can play in pushing back against the Liberal Party trying to destroy students’ lives. Vote [1] Left Focus for an activist student union committed to social justice!

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Jeremy Gibson

Ticket: Left Focus
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Left Focus supports the National Union of Students. We’ve been involved in its campaigns especially against the cuts to higher education. These campaigns, which involve thousands of students, show the role NUS can play in pushing back against the Liberal Party trying to destroy students’ lives. Vote [1] Left Focus for an activist student union committed to social justice!

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Molly Willmott

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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NUS plays a key role in fighting for student rights nationwide, and has shown itself to be crucial in protecting tertiary education against attacks from both the government and university institutions. As someone who cares very deeply about the state of education in Australia, I am running as a delegate to help continue this protection. Delegates play a crucial role in formulating NUS policy, and as a delegate, I would like to make sure that this policy platform remains progressive, accessible, and truly representative of the Australian student body.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Frances Lewis

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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The National Union of Students is a vital voice for our interests and I want to ensure it remains strong and active. I will work to support a progressive and activist National Union that is ready to respond to the ever-looming threats of Liberal government. Vote 1 Stand Up!

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Jesse Krause

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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My name’s Jesse and I’m running to be one of our delegates to the National Conference of the National Union of Students. With a newly re-elected Liberal government primed to continue its assault upon students and other vulnerable and marginalised groups, the role of NUS is crucial. Only through a united front can students survive the attacks to come, which is why progressive voices need to be sent to conference floor to develop concise and effective policy while ensuring that the incoming office bearing team are prepared to mobilise the student movement against this hostile government.

Vote [1] Stand Up!

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Danmei Ren

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Hi, I’m Danmei and I want to ensure International Students are represented at the National Union of Students this year! I will be focussed on ensuring the NUS is supportive of all students while ensuring international students in particular have a greater say so that NUS represents all students! Vote 1 Stand Up!

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Millie Austin-Andrews

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: NUS Delegates

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I’m Millie and I’m running to be an NUS delegate! Last year I got a chance to write and pass a lot of policy to make the union more intersectional and inclusive, and this year if I’m elected I hope to do the same. I believe in a strong national union, but not one beyond criticism – this year if I’m elected I hope to write some policy to make conferences and procedures more accessible, as well as policy to support safety on campus initiatives. I hope to have the opportunity to represent you this NatCon!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Thariq Willoughby

Ticket: Hard Memes
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Jamiel Sabbagh

Ticket: Halal Snack Pack
Running for: NUS Delegates

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Students should never have to walk more than 100m from any given point on campus to find a 8+/10 Halal Snack Pack. That is our pledge.

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Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Robin Wang

Ticket: More Pokémon Go on Campus
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of More Pokémon Go on Campus »

Grace Middleton

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Brendan Tam

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Eli Winters

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

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Lee Ellison

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Sofie Onorato

Ticket: Whigs
Running for: NUS Delegates

No policy statement supplied.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Whigs »

Tyson Holloway-Clarke

Ticket: The Biggest Blackest Ticket
Running for: President 2016 (By-election)

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This year has been particularly challenging for UMSU as an organisation. With an unprecedented resignation of the sitting President I was provided with the opportunity to lead the Union and stabilise our organisation for the challenges ahead. We have a great deal on our plates; from the FlexAp, to the Student Precinct, to dissatisfaction with MUSUL, to SSAF negotiations, and dealing with ongoing issues of sexual assault and harassment to name some of the challenges that we have faced this year and will continue to face into 2017. Thus it is imperative that UMSU and its student representation is consistent, well informed and aligns with the values of the student body. I have been working my absolute hardest with our representatives, staff and students to deliver the very best outcomes for students we can achieve. For that reason I believe that I am the best candidate for the Presidential By-Election. It is best for both the new President for 2017 and UMSU as a whole that business operates as consistently as possible for the remainder of the year and I am the only candidate that can do that.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of The Biggest Blackest Ticket »

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: President 2016 (By-election)

No policy statement supplied.

Arun Bharatula

Ticket: (running not on a ticket)
Running for: Students’ Council Disabilities Representative

No policy statement supplied.

Dannielle Thorman

Ticket: Stand Up!
Running for: Students’ Council Disabilities Representative

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Hello, everybody! My name is Dannielle Thorman and I’m a second year sociology student (learning’ how to make the world a better place). I’m also moderate to severely hearing impaired (in both ears) and thus, am strongly invested in the University of Melbourne’s treatment of disability issues. I care about promoting tolerant, effective (and not overbearing) policies and about making UMSU more accessible, welcoming, and transparent. If nothing else, I want to make the process of getting help and recognition easier than I found it!

Vote [1] Stand Up!

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of Stand Up! »

Michael Bhatti

Ticket: More!
Running for: Students’ Council Disabilities Representative

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Vote More! More active. More progressive. More about you.

Show Parkville Station’s analysis of More! »

Activate are a “group of independent, grassroots-left student activists committed to creating a student union that is inclusive of all students and provides the best possible services.” Their focus is on positions for specific constituencies – while they have run presidential candidates in the past, their focus this year is on the Creative Arts, Queer, Environment and Disabilities Offices (or so we surmise from their nominations).

Alston Chu, the ticket’s authorising officer, told us that as “Activate’s structure doesn’t really lend itself to being embodied by single people” he could speak only for himself, but “Activate strives to allow people to be included in what the union does, be that student representation, art, activism, or recreation”, particularly through being “conscious of who doesn’t normally get the chance to be included”.

At printing, Activate had not yet made a decision to endorse any particular faction: Chu told us, “[t]here are still collective meetings to be planned and consensuses to be formed”.

Cheaper Textbooks were not able to respond to our questions in time for our print deadline.

The ticket’s only candidate, Anna Morrison, was elected as Education (Academic Affairs) Officer and MU Student Union Ltd Board for the 2012 term, on the 2011 Stand Up! ticket.

Create didn’t respond to our request for comment.

New (or at least, newly-christened) last year, Create managed a respectable volume of campaigners although ultimately had little to show for their efforts, snagging only a small number of committee positions and no officer positions. Nonetheless, they’re back this year, running candidates for a respectable 42 vacancies.

There is always one ticket accused of being “the Liberals”, although none will admit to it (except, of course, the ticket called Liberal). Create have plenty of candidates aligned in various ways to the Liberal Party, but as they have not taken the opportunity yet to provide us with comment, we’re hesitant to brand them the “Liberal ticket”.

Halal Snack Pack did not respond to our request for comment.

The ticket’s only candidate, Jamiel Sabbagh, was implicated in last year’s printing incident, in which Left Focus fliers were found to have been printed on an UMSU-owned printer – a breach of election regulations.

Hard Memes didn’t respond to our request for comment. They have only two candidates, both running for a variety of committee positions.

Depending on exactly how hard their memes are – particularly if they’re vote-grabbing ones – the ticket’s preferences might prove valuable.

Independent Media have already achieved what is probably their main goal: retaining the Media office, which they’ve done without opposition. Their goal now is to get “one or two councillors elected to the student council”. In keeping with previous years, the ticket is running around the triad of Farrago, Radio Fodder and Farrago Video.

This year they’ve been sure to stress the importance of “keeping student media free from political alignment or bias”. In relation to directing preferences: “While no official decisions have been made, it is unlikely that we will be preferencing any other tickets”

Left Focus is “a left-wing activist ticket. We stand for a student union that campaigns for a higher quality of education and student rights, campaigning for instance against university funding cuts and fee deregulation. We also take an openly progressive stance around social justice issues, such as refugee rights, LGBTI rights, Indigenous rights and the environment.”

The ticket is associated particularly with Socialist Alternative, with many of its campaigners associated with Socialist Alternative. Authorising officer Jade Eckhaus told us, though, that the ticket was “open to all students who want to increase the level of progressive activism in the student union” and that “[s]ome of our campaigners are members of Socialist Alternative, some are members of other campaign groups and others are independent activists.”

Left Focus has not yet decided to whom it will direct its committee preferences, but is endorsing Stand Up!’s candidates for Education (Public Affairs): “One of [those candidates], Anneke, ran on our ticket last year, and after talking to Stand Up! we agreed that her and the other candidate, Dom, would be best for the office.”

While the Victorian College of the Arts (VCA) has traditionally been a VCA stronghold, this year the ticket is fielding no candidates there.

The Liberals didn’t respond to our request for comment.

Despite contesting a number of positions up and down the ballot, there are only two candidates (Nathan Bachetti and authorising officer Michael Sabljak), and the generally left-wing views one finds as common currency on a campus such as the University of Melbourne’s means that they’re relatively unlikely to poll well.

More Beer didn’t respond to our request for comment.

The ticket is much smaller this year, contesting just Students’ Council and Activities Committee; unlike last year’s much wider-ranging (if not terribly successful) attempt.

More Pokémon Go On Campus! were not able to respond to our questions in time for our print deadline. That’s all we know.

Previously known as More Activities!, More! is this year rebranded to “reflect our whole-of-UMSU whole-of-issues focus, as well as our new commitment to political change and openness.” They believe that “the student union should be based on collectives and clubs as grassroots organisations, not on what national political party subfaction you’re aligned with”.

The faction has traditionally run and gained support on the back of fighting for more activities and clubs and societies, to the purposeful exception of other areas of the union. Before this year the only Officebearer positions they had run for were President, Activities, and Clubs and Societies. Their open-slather attitude towards this year’s election reflects a departure from this base, but More! told us that they haven’t abandoned their roots. “It’s about making sure that every part of the union is based on those roots, while addressing every part of the university”. They added that they think “every part of the union should be based around engaging with clubs as grassroots organisations”.

For committee positions, they will be directing their preferences towards “other progressive independent people/groups first”. They “won’t be directing preferences to candidates from the Liberal Club-dominated Create ticket or Socialist Alternative-dominated Left Focus ticket – or their candidates running on Stand Up!”.

Smore! did not respond to our request for comment.

Their sole candidate, Akira Boardman, is one of UMSU’s current Education (Public Affairs) officers, elected on last year’s Stand Up! Ticket. (In that election she achieved the rare feat of also being elected an NUS Delegate on a different ticket – More Activities!) Nonetheless, the ticket has been active in the elections already, filing a complaint against the ticket More! on the basis that the latter’s name was confusingly similar. The Returning Officer dismissed the complaint.

Stand Up! are a “group of left wing, progressive students who aim to ensure an inclusive and accessible UMSU”. They are running to continue the fight against deregulation and the University’s attempts to restructure courses to the detriment of students, and to create a safer and more inclusive campus and union. They are committed to “ensuring that UMSU is for everyone”, demonstrated this year by the constitutional changes moved by their members.

Based on past performance, Stand Up! are are likely to be the strongest or second-strongest ticket in terms of number of campaigners during election week. They intend to use those campaigners not only to win the election but to “listen to the issues and concerns” of students. They have not decided where their preferences will flow.

Rightly or wrongly, Stand Up! are traditionally associated with the Left faction within the Australian Labor Party. We put this to ticket authorising officer (and presidential candidate) Adriana Mells, who told us the ticket “does not require any of [their] candidates to have any particular political affiliation”, and this year “more of [their] candidates are…independents from various collectives”, than from Labor.

Students Against Hanson did not respond to our request for comment.

As best we can tell, the ticket’s only candidate, Alastair James, has not appeared in the minutes of any previous UMSU meeting.

The BBT didn’t respond to our request for comment.

It focuses almost exclusively on indigenous representative positions (the only exception is Tyson Holloway-Clarke contesting a byelection for the position of 2016 President, a position he currently holds on a temporary basis). By all accounts they’ve been successful at this, with the vast majority of their candidates provisionally elected unopposed.

Universal did not respond to our request for comment.

The ticket’s only candidate, Ezgi Bridger, was elected as the Disabilities Representative on the Students’ Council, and to the Disabilities Committee, for 2015, on the 2014 ignite ticket.

Core Whig policies include, among others, reintroduction of the pound-sterling, converting Union House’s rooms into “alehouses” and are “extremely serious about both maintaining the monarchy to ensure the stability and continuity of the state, but we do feel strongly about the supremacy of parliament. We are in this election because we see the absolutist, monarchist French circling above us and we fear for the future of our parliamentary system.” As always, we’ll let you judge the policies for yourself.

Although, as “the natural party of Government from 1688-1773 [they] do expect to win by an overwhelming majority”, their authorising officer Lee Ellison told us they’d consider preferencing “tickets that will take up the mantle of implementing our welfare policies. These policies are primarily of free cheese and wine, the creation of a Whig choir in the English choral tradition and saturnalias for all.”

Our judgement is that their optimism of overwhelming victory is probably misplaced, but a ticket with suitably funny policies can nevertheless attract enough votes that their preferences might be seen as valuable.