Parkville Station

Hosts Assemble!

Thousands of bright-eyed new students flooded campus at the crack of dawn today for the first day of O-Week and their new life at university. Thousands more, desperately in need of caffeine – already kind of getting the University thing – followed slightly later. But all arrived in time for their (or someone else’s) O-Week Host Group Tour of Campus, where they learnt the lay of the land from people older and older than them – their glorious, balloon-festooned hosts, under the guidance of their Directors, Claire, Alex and Corey.

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Hosts Assemble!

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Claire Fitzpatrick, Alex McMillan and Corey Morton – O-Week Directors

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Parkville Stations awaiting distribution

Other than Union House, which had a steady stream of traffic across all floors at all times, South Lawn was the place to be today. Stalls  were spread across the space from the Student Union, Melbourne University Sport, University services and local businesses. Freebies were everywhere, and therefore so were students. If you didn’t get a free frozen yoghurt to stave off the 39 degree heat, I don’t really know what you were doing. In the Arts faculty, M-ASS – the faculty club – ran their Majors and Minors Expo. In Engineering, O-Camp was spruiked.

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South Lawn was packed

The day ended with trivia for new students in the Grand Buffet Hall. MC’ed by the glorious Billy O’Connor, a Unimelb student for the ages, this drew a huge crowd, and a whole lot of purple helium balloons. We’re assured fun was had.

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Jaffy trivia in the Grand Buffet Hall

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UMSU Volunteers making trivia happen

So that was Day 1. Day 2 will no doubt bring many more wonderful and potentially terrible things. Please tell us about them at

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